Failure to file, forfeiture, 641.19 (6)
Appointment of appraisers, 641.10 (3)
Appointment of examiners, 641.10
Benefits, illegal, 641.19 (2) (a)
Construction of chapter, 641.25
Definitions, 641.07
Employer, payments to fund, 641.17
Examinations, authorization, 641.09
  Conduct, 641.10
  Expenses, 641.12
  Foreign funds, 641.18
  Publication, 641.11
Examiners, appointment, 641.10
Exempt from execution, 815.18 (3) (j)
Fees for filing, 641.12
Financial statement, publication, 641.11 (1)
Foreign funds, examination, waiver, 641.18
Injunctions, 641.20
Investments, prudent person rule, 641.19 (1)
  Standards where interested parties have pecuniary interest, 641.19 (2) (b)
Order to examine, 641.10
Payments, by employer, 641.17
  How made, 641.19 (1)
Penalties, 641.19
Policy, declaration, 641.06
Political contributions, prohibited, 641.19 (3)
Registration of fund, 641.08
  Failure, forfeiture, 641.19 (6)
Reports to employers and employes, 641.15
Scope, 641.02
Statements to commissioner, 641.13, 641.14
Statements to trustees by insurance companies, service plans, 641.16
Trustees, accounting requirements, 641.09 (2)
  Annual statements, by insurance companies, service plans, 641.16
  To be filed, 641.13
  Registration of fund, 641.08
  Reports to employers and employes, 641.15
  Special statements to commissioner, 641.14
insurance 5. fire5. Fire
, Ch. 632
Arson with intent to defraud insurer, 943.04
Definition, 601.93 (3)
Department dues, from premiums, 101.573, 101.575, 601.93
  Penalties, 601.935
Exempt from execution, 815.18 (3) (e)
Indemnity amounts, 632.05
Insured reporting on demand to commissioner, 618.49 (2)
Insurers required to provide fire loss information to fire chiefs and state fire marshal, 165.55 (14)
Law, choice of, 632.09
License fee, how calculated, 76.60 to 76.65
Limitation of actions, 631.83 (1) (a)
Loss measurement, 632.05 (2)
Milwaukee, property insurance escrow, 632.10 to 632.104
Mortgage clause, 632.08
Replacement cost of coverage, 632.05
Risk of loss, vendor and purchaser, 706.12
Warehouse keeper's insurance, 127.05
insurance 6. fraternal6. Fraternal
, Chs. 614, 632
Affiliates, transactions with, 614.60
Agents, licensing, 628.06
Annual report to members, 614.43
Applicability of other insurance laws, 614.05
Applicants authorized, 614.10
Articles, amendment, 614.29
  Contents, 614.12 (1)
Assembly, 614.42 (1)
Beneficiaries, 632.96
Benefits, not attachable, 614.96
Board of directors, 614.42 (1), 614.51
  Removal, filling vacancies, 614.53
Business plan, changes, 614.28
Bylaws, 614.12 (4)
Certificate of authority, application, issuance, alteration, 614.20
Certificate of incorporation, 614.13
Children applicants authorized, 614.10
Committees of directors, 614.56
Communications to members, 614.41
Compensation of executives, 614.63
Conditions in negotiation of contract, 631.11 (5)
Consolidation, 614.73
Contract, 632.93
Conversion, from domestic mutual life company, 611.79
Corporate name, reservation of, 614.09
Definitions, 614.01
Directors, committees of, 614.56
  Indemnification, 614.62
  Liability, 614.62
  Transactions in which interested, 614.60
Evidence, copies of books, 891.23
  Of absence or death, 813.22