Notice, assessments on policies, 645.57 (4)
  By agents to policyholders, 645.48
  To creditors, etc. of liquidation, 645.47
Officers and employes, duty to cooperate, 645.07
Order of distribution of claims, 645.68
Payments to creditors, 645.72 (1)
Penalties, officers and employes failing to cooperate, 645.07 (4)
  Refusal to deliver records following seizure or summary order by commissioner, 645.24 (5)
Perfection of transfers, 645.54 (2)
Personal jurisdiction, grounds for, 645.04 (5)
Persons covered, 645.02
Police, duty to assist commissioner in seizure, 645.23 (3)
Preference, definition, 645.54 (1) (a)
  Hearings to determine rights, 645.54 (7)
  Invalidation, 645.54 (1) (b)
  Personal liability of officers, shareholders, etc., 645.54 (11)
  Setoff of new advances, 645.54 (9)
Premium refunds, claims distribution order, 645.68 (4)
Priority of claims, 645.68
  Interstate relations, 645.89
Proceedings commenced before 1967 act, 645.10
Proof of claims, 645.62
Proprietary claims, distribution order, 645.68 (11)
Purpose of chapter, 645.01 (4)
Records, confidential in summary proceedings, 645.24 (3)
  Disposition during and after termination of liquidation, 645.76
  Actions by and against rehabilitator, 645.34
  Advice from experts, 645.33 (3)
  Appointment of rehabilitator, 645.32 (1)
  Grounds for, 645.31
  Order, 645.32
  Order to return control to company, 645.35 (2)
  Powers and duties of rehabilitator, 645.33
  Reorganization plan, 645.33 (5)
  Special deputy commissioner, appointment, powers and duties, 645.33 (1)
  Statutes of limitations, on claims against insurers, 645.34 (3)
  On claims by insurer, 645.34 (2)
  Stays in pending litigation, 645.34 (1)
  Termination, 645.35
  Transformation to liquidation, 645.35 (1)
Reinsurer's liability; arbitration clauses, 645.58
Reopening liquidation, 645.75
Reports to court by liquidator, 645.72 (3)
Residents, claims against insurers domiciled in reciprocal states, 645.87
School benefit plans, 645.02 (6)
Secured creditors' claims, 645.67
Service insurance corporations covered, 645.02 (5)
Setoffs, allowed, exceptions, 645.56
Special claims, 645.63
Summary proceedings, commissioner's seizure order, 645.23
  Commissioner's summary orders, 645.21
  Court's seizure order, 645.22
  Hearings, conduct, 645.24
Surety, claims, 645.66
Suretyship, definitions applicable to proceedings involving, 645.03 (2)
Surety's liability discharged, 645.54 (8)
Termination of proceedings, 645.74
  Disposition of records, 645.76
Third party claims, special provisions, 645.64
Title of act, 645.01 (1)
Transfers, indemnifying also voidable, 645.54 (5)
  Perfection, 645.54 (2)
  Twenty-one day rule, 645.54 (4)
  Void or voidable, claims of holders, 645.55
Unclaimed funds, deposit with state treasurer, 645.73
Uncollected, unearned premiums, 645.59
Venue, 645.04 (4)
Void or voidable rights, claims of holders, 645.55
Wages, claims distribution order, 645.68 (2)
Withheld funds, deposit with state treasurer, 645.73 (2)
INSURANCE 8c. Investment Regulation8c. Investment Regulation
, Ch. 620
Alien investments, commissioner may allow, 620.04
Assets acquired in enforcing creditors' rights, exemption from limitations, 620.21 (2)
Assets, valuation, 620.31
Classes of investments permitted, 620.22
  Limitations, 620.23
Consent investment approval by commissioner, 620.04 (2)
Currency fluctuations, protection against, 620.05
Disposal of prohibited assets, 620.12
Exemptions from investment restrictions, 620.03
Extension of investment restrictions, 620.03
Financial statement valuation method to be used as to value of assets, 620.31
Investment valuation reserves, commissioner may order, 620.32
Leeway provision as to investments not permitted, 620.22 (9)
Legal investments becoming illegal, commissioner may allow 10 years for disposal, 620.12
Limitations on investments, 620.23
Mistake in making investment, reasonable time for disposal, 620.12 (2)
Mutual funds, rule to get evaluation, 620.23 (5)