Subsidiaries, method of determining compliance with investment law, 620.23 (3)
Valuation of assets, 620.31
INSURANCE 9. Liability9. Liability
, Ch. 632
Aircraft insurance policies, prohibited exclusions, 632.23
  Driver education cars, 341.267
  Notice to instalment buyer as to insurance, 218.01 (6m)
Direct action against insurer, 632.24
Employer's liability policies, limited effect of conditions in, 632.25
Evidence, not admissible as to whether acted wrongfully, 904.11
Foster and family-operated group home parents required to have, 48.627
Hayrack and sleigh rides, 349.25 (2)
Motor carriers, 194.41
  Exemption from filing, 194.42
Motor vehicle liability policy, 344.33
  Notice of cancellation, 344.34
Negligence cases, direct action statute, 803.04 (2),
Notice provisions, 632.26
Required provisions, 632.22
School buses, compulsory, 121.53
Taxicabs, 194.41 (6) (b)
Uninsured motorist coverage, first class cities, 66.189
Warehouse keeper, 99.03
INSURANCE 10. Life10. Life
, Ch. 632
Abandoned property, duty of life insurers to report, 610.61
Absentee's property act, 813.22 to 813.34
Annuity contracts without life contingencies, 632.66
Assignment of rights, 632.47
Augmented marital property estate, transfers included in, 861.05
Beneficiaries, designation of, 177.07 (7), 632.48
  Not to have intentionally killed the insured, exception clause, 632.485
  Written designation, law of wills does not apply, exception, 853.18
Benefits, for public employes, 40.72
Benefits to be specified separately, 632.44 (1)
Bonuses provided by insurers prohibited, 628.77 (1)
Burial insurance, prohibited provisions, 632.41 (2)
Consent, 631.07 (2), (3)
Conversion, mutual to stock companies, 611.76
Copies of account books as evidence, 891.23
County officers and employes, 59.07 (2)
Credit life, limitation on, 632.60
  Required provisions, 632.44 (3)
Disability, certification of, 632.64
Disclosure requirements, 628.38
Estate, encumbrance on proceeds, no exoneration, 863.13
Estoppel from medical examination, 632.50
Exempt from execution, 815.18 (3)
Franchise, conversion option, 632.57
Grace period, provision required, 632.44 (2)
Group insurance, conversion option, 632.57
  Evidence of insurability, 632.56 (1)
  For public employes, 40.70
  Grace period, 632.56 (5)
  Limitations on, 632.55
  Misstatement of age, 632.56 (2)
  Nonforfeiture, 632.56 (4)
  Required provisions, 632.56
HIV infection, exclusions and limitations prohibited, 631.93
Incontestability, 632.46
Insurers and funeral directors or cemeteries, prohibited relationships between, 630.15
Interest rates on policy loans, 632.475
License fee, 76.65
Living trust, designation as beneficiary, 701.08 (2)
Loan insurance to veterans, 45.80 (7)
Loans on policies, interest rates, 632.475
Marital property, classification, 766.61
  Simultaneous death act, 851.55 (4)
Medical examination, estoppel from, 632.50
Misstated age, 632.46
Misstated sex, 632.46
Mortality tables, 623.06, 632.43
Mortgage cancellation policy, veterans' housing loan law, 45.80 (7)
Natural death law, 154.11 (2)
Nonforfeiture law, 632.43
  Industrial life insurance policies, 632.43 (6) (c)
Nonparticipating policies, 632.62
Participating policies, 632.62
Policy, disclaimer of transfers of property, 701.27
  Funds owing under, unclaimed, 177.07
  Nonforfeiture provisions, 632.43
  Valuation, 623.06
Premiums under public employe trust fund, 40.05 (6)
Prohibited provisions, 632.41
Public employes, benefits, 40.72
  Group life insurance coverage, 40.70
Required provisions, 632.44
Separate accounts for variable contracts, special provisions, 611.25
Spouse's death, satisfaction of obligations, exception to property-availability rule, 859.18
Testamentary trust, designation as beneficiary, 701.09