Persons required to participate, 619.01 (1) (c)
  Purposes and contents, 619.01 (1) (b)
  Voluntary participation, 619.01 (1) (d)
Voluntary plans, 619.03
INSURANCE 16ab. School Benefit Plans16ab. School Benefit Plans
, Ch. 616
Applicability of other statutes, 616.09
Certificate of authority; issuance, termination, 616.07
Continuation of existing plans, 616.06
Conversion of plans, 616.20
Exemption from taxation, 616.10
Fees to commissioner, exempt, exception, 601.31 (2)
Limitations applicable to plans, 616.14
Mutual insurer, designation as school benefit insurer, 616.03
New insurers, organization of, 616.08
Rehabilitation and liquidation law apply, 645.02 (6)
Restrictions on transactions, 616.18
Statutes, applicability of, 616.09
Taxation, exemption from, 616.10
INSURANCE 16b. Security Fund16b. Security Fund
, Ch. 646
Accounts, division into four, 646.11 (2)
Actions, 646.11 (5)
Administration, 646.11, 646.12
Annuity contracts, liquidation, limitations, 646.35 (6)
  Temporary moratoriums, 646.31 (10)
Appeal and review when claim declared ineligible, 646.32
Assessments, 646.51
Assets, custody and investments, 646.21
  Transfer between accounts, 646.61
  Unused, disposal, 646.61
Board, composition, powers and duties, 646.12
  Special powers and duties related to loss claims, 646.13
Claimants, required to cooperate, 646.33 (2)
Claims, against liquidator, 646.33 (3), 646.35 (4)
  By security funds, 646.60
  Classes to be paid, 646.31 (2)
  Collection from other funds, 646.31 (9)
  Deductible, 646.31 (3)
  Maximum, 646.31 (4)
  Notice to claimants, 646.31 (8)
  Setoffs and counterclaims, 646.31 (7)
  Subrogation, 646.31 (11)
  When eligible, 646.31
Coverage, continuation, of limitations, 646.35
Definitions, 646.03
Disposal of unused assets, 646.61
Domestic insurer in liquidation, continuation of coverage, 646.35 (2)
Eligible claims, 646.31
Exemption from assessment; abatement and deferral, 646.51
Expenses of fund, 646.11 (3)
Investments, 646.21
Liability, 646.11 (5)
Life insurance contracts, liquidation, limitation, 646.35 (6)
  Temporary moratoriums, 646.31 (10)
Liquidations to which chapter is applicable, 646.73
Loss claims, special powers and duties of board related to, 646.13
Net worth of insured, recovery, 646.31 (12)
Nondomestic insurer in liquidation, continuation of coverage, 646.35 (3)
Organization, 646.11
Payment of claims, procedure, 646.31
Punitive damages may not be paid out of fund, 646.31 (5)
Purpose of law, 646.01
Rate increases, 646.35 (5)
Records, confidentiality, 646.12 (2)
Recovery of amounts paid to 3rd parties, 646.325
Recovery reduction, 646.31 (9m)
Scope of law, 646.01
Subrogation rights of fund, 646.33 (1)
Tax exemption, 646.41
INSURANCE 16c. Service Corporations16c. Service Corporations
, Ch. 613
Administrative agent, act as, 613.92
Applicability of insurance laws, 613.03 (3)
Applicability of other laws, 613.03
Articles, amendment, 613.29
  Contents, 613.12 (1)
Assessments against policyholders, may not be any, 613.19 (4)
Assets, sale, lease, exchange, 613.78
Bonds, 613.33 (1)
  Repayment, 613.33 (4)
Books and records, 613.51 (6)
Borrowing money on general obligation notes, 613.33 (5)
Business plan, changes, 613.28
Bylaws, 613.12 (2)
Certificate of authority, alteration, 613.20
Certificate of incorporation and authority, application, issuance, contents, 613.13
Committees of directors, 613.56
Communications to members or policyholders, copies to commissioner, 613.41 (1)
Consolidation, 613.72
Contribution notes, 613.33 (2)
  Repayment, 613.33 (4)