Purpose of law, 646.01
Rate increases, 646.35 (5)
Records, confidentiality, 646.12 (2)
Recovery of amounts paid to 3rd parties, 646.325
Recovery reduction, 646.31 (9m)
Scope of law, 646.01
Subrogation rights of fund, 646.33 (1)
Tax exemption, 646.41
INSURANCE 16c. Service Corporations16c. Service Corporations
, Ch. 613
Administrative agent, act as, 613.92
Applicability of insurance laws, 613.03 (3)
Applicability of other laws, 613.03
Articles, amendment, 613.29
  Contents, 613.12 (1)
Assessments against policyholders, may not be any, 613.19 (4)
Assets, sale, lease, exchange, 613.78
Bonds, 613.33 (1)
  Repayment, 613.33 (4)
Books and records, 613.51 (6)
Borrowing money on general obligation notes, 613.33 (5)
Business plan, changes, 613.28
Bylaws, 613.12 (2)
Certificate of authority, alteration, 613.20
Certificate of incorporation and authority, application, issuance, contents, 613.13
Committees of directors, 613.56
Communications to members or policyholders, copies to commissioner, 613.41 (1)
Consolidation, 613.72
Contribution notes, 613.33 (2)
  Repayment, 613.33 (4)
Conversion into stock or mutual insurance corporation, 613.75
Definitions, 613.01
Dental care, 447.13
Director or officer, transactions in which interested, 613.60
Directors, board of, 613.51
  Fix compensation, pensions, etc., 613.63
  Inside, prohibited, 613.51 (3)
  Liability and indemnification, 613.62
  Number, selection, classification, 613.51 (2)
  Policyholder or public members of, 613.53
  Quorum, 613.51 (5)
  Unlawful delegation of power, 613.51 (4)
Dissolution, voluntary, 613.74
Dividends prohibited, 613.63 (2), 613.69
Emergencies, continuity of management, 613.55
Exclusive agency contracts prohibited, exception for contracts with subsidiaries, 613.66
Executive compensation, 613.63
Financial resources, 613.19
Group or blanket disability and hospital treatment contracts to cover treatment of alcoholism, drug abuse, etc., 632.89
Health care, medical societies have power to organize, 148.03
Health care service corporations, limitations on, 628.36
Health care services, restrictions on, 632.87
Hospital service insurance corporations, purpose, authorization, 613.80
  Tax exemption, 613.81
Incorporators, any number may organize, 613.11
Informal action by shareholders or directors, 613.07 (4)
Interlocking directorates, prohibited, 613.57
Involuntary liquidation, conversion to, 613.74 (3)
Legal existence, when, 613.13 (4)
Liability, vicarious, 613.90
Management changes, supervision of, 613.54
Management contracts prohibited, 613.67
Meetings, commissioner may attend, 613.41 (2)
  Directors, place, notice, 613.51 (7)
  Division into districts, 613.40 (3)
  Members, 613.40
  Voting and quorum, 613.40 (2)
Merger, 613.72
Name, reserving, 613.10
Notice, waiver, 613.07 (4)
Officers, 613.52
  Liability and indemnification, 613.62
Optometric care, Wis. vision services, inc. has power to organize, 449.15
Orders of commissioner eliminating restrictions, 613.04 (2)
Orders of commissioner imposing restrictions, 613.04 (1)
Policyholders' committee, 613.58
Powers, 613.07 (1)
Principal officers, 613.12 (3)
Professional services, preservation of professional relationships, 628.37
Providers' contracts, 613.19 (3)
Purposes of law, 613.02 (2)
Reserved name, 613.10
Revocation of voluntary dissolution, 613.74 (4)
Scope of law, 613.02 (1)
Seal, omission, 613.07 (3)
Securities, authorized, 613.33
  Prohibited transactions, 613.33 (3)
  Regulation, 613.31
Segregated accounts, 613.24
Shares of stock prohibited, 613.63 (2)