insurance commissionerINSURANCE COMMISSIONER
Accounting methods, prescribe, 601.42
Acting commissioner, 601.11
Actuarial evaluations, 601.43 (3)
Administration dept., cooperation with, 601.415 (5)
Advisory councils and committees, create, 601.20
Affiliates of insurers, reports required, 617.11
Agents, issuance of license, 628.04
  License fees, 601.31
  Notification of revocation of certificate of authority of insurer, 601.63 (2)
Annual report, 601.46 (3)
  Cost, distribution, 601.47 (2)
  Medical malpractice, 601.427
  To mutual policyholders, rules as to requirements, 611.43
Annuity contracts without life contingencies, 632.66
Application of nondomestic insurer for certificate of authority, form prescribed by, 618.11
Appropriation, 20.145
Articles of incorporation, amendment, file with commissioner, 611.29, 614.29
Assets, transfer of, report to commissioner, 611.78
Attorney for service of process, 601.72
  Procedure, 601.73
Attorney general to enforce law, 601.12 (2)
Audits, 601.43 (3)
Bonds, 15.04, 601.17
Business plan of corporations, report changes to commissioner, 611.28
Business plan of fraternals, report changes to commissioner, 614.28
Business, transfer of, report to commissioner, 611.78
Capital requirements for stock corporation, specify initial minimum, 611.19 (1)
Certificate, issuance, 601.04
  To motor club service, 616.72
Certificate of authority, alteration, when, 611.20 (4)
  Certified copies, 601.51
  Effect of issuance, release of escrowed funds, 611.20 (3) (b)
  For nondomestic insurers, issuance, 618.12
  Issuance when, 611.20 (2), 614.20
  Notice of revocation, 601.51
Certificate of incorporation and authority, issuance together, when, 611.22 (3)
Certificate of incorporation, issuance, 611.13 (3), 614.13
Classifications of insurance, may define, 627.05
Combination of policies, may establish standards, 627.06
Compensation of executives, notice and annual report to commissioner, 611.63 (3), (4)
Compulsory surplus, determine amount, 623.11
Consent to rates, 625.13 (2)
Consolidation plan of mutuals, approve, 611.73 (3)
  Commissioner may order voting by policyholders, 611.73 (4)
Consultation in regulation, 601.48 (2)
Consumer credit law, duties, 601.415 (9)
Consumer credit transactions, insurance in, regulation and cooperation with commissioner of banks, 424.601
Continuing care contracts:
  Permits to providers, issuance, revocation, 647.02
  Powers and duties, 647.03
  Receivership or liquidation, 647.06
Contracts, authorize incorporation by reference, 631.13
  Explicit approval of commissioner for certain clauses in forms, 631.21
  Filing and approval of forms, 631.20
  Made outside state, rules to permit policy changes, 618.45 (2) (c)
  Of motor service club, examination, 616.76
  Promulgation of authorized standard clauses, 631.23
  Readability requirements, rule-making authority, 631.22
  Rules by commissioner specifying application of statutes, 631.01
  Rules of law as provisions, may require, 631.27
Contractual services, 601.14 (2)
Contribution notes of mutuals, approve, 611.33 (2) (b)
Conversion, assessable to nonassessable mutual and nonassessable to assessable mutual, 611.77
  Domestic mutual into stock corporation, 611.76
  Domestic stock corporation into mutual, 611.75
Council on fire service training programs, membership, 601.415 (4)
Creation of office, 15.73
Credit accident and sickness insurance, promulgate premium rates, 424.209
Credit life insurance, promulgate premium rates, 424.209
Delegation of authority, 601.18
Delinquency proceedings, bonds, 645.08
  Commencement before 1967 act, 645.10
  Costs and expenses taxed against, 645.06
  Court's seizure order, petition, 645.22
  Duty of officers and employes to cooperate, 645.07