Of motor service club, examination, 616.76
  Promulgation of authorized standard clauses, 631.23
  Readability requirements, rule-making authority, 631.22
  Rules by commissioner specifying application of statutes, 631.01
  Rules of law as provisions, may require, 631.27
Contractual services, 601.14 (2)
Contribution notes of mutuals, approve, 611.33 (2) (b)
Conversion, assessable to nonassessable mutual and nonassessable to assessable mutual, 611.77
  Domestic mutual into stock corporation, 611.76
  Domestic stock corporation into mutual, 611.75
Council on fire service training programs, membership, 601.415 (4)
Creation of office, 15.73
Credit accident and sickness insurance, promulgate premium rates, 424.209
Credit life insurance, promulgate premium rates, 424.209
Delegation of authority, 601.18
Delinquency proceedings, bonds, 645.08
  Commencement before 1967 act, 645.10
  Costs and expenses taxed against, 645.06
  Court's seizure order, petition, 645.22
  Duty of officers and employes to cooperate, 645.07
  Jurisdiction and venue, 645.04
  Police, duty to assist in seizure, 645.23 (3)
  Reports, 645.09
  Seizure order, 645.23
  Summary, conduct of hearings, 645.24
  Orders, 645.21
Depositions, take, 601.61
Deposits, securities with state treasurer, duties, 601.13
Deputy, 601.11
  Oath, 601.15
  Special for rehabilitation of insurers, 645.33 (1)
  Unclassified, 230.08 (2) (L)
Director or officer, removal, 611.54 (3)
  Transactions in which interested, regulation by commissioner, 611.60, 614.60
Direct procurement of noncompulsory insurance in another state by Wisconsin policyholder, report to commissioner, 618.42 (2)
Disability insurance, disclosure requirements, 628.38
  Return of policy, 632.73 (3)
  Rules, 632.77 (3)
Disclosure requirements, life or disability insurance, 628.38
Dissolution, examination of corporation, 611.74 (1)
  Of insurer, petition for, 645.44
  Plan to be filed with commissioner, 611.74 (1)
District attorney to enforce law, 601.12 (2)
Domestic mutual life company, conversion to fraternal, duties, 611.79
Duties, 601.41, 601.415
Employe welfare funds, assessment of filing fees, 641.12
Examinations, conducting, 601.44
  Costs, 601.45
  Employe welfare funds, 641.09 to 641.12, 641.18
  Of fiduciary operations, 601.415 (8)
  Of insurers and other licensees, 601.43
Federally reinsured losses, assessment for state contribution, 619.02
Fees in investigations and hearings, 601.62 (4)
Fees to be paid by insurance companies, 601.31
  Supplemental, 601.32
Filing of rates, 625.13
Financial services, 601.13
Fire department dues, distribution, 101.573
  Errors corrected, 101.573
  Report to industry, labor and human relations department, 601.93 (2)
Fire marshal,
Forfeitures, 601.64 (2)
Fraternals, communications to members, copies to commissioner, 614.41
  Consolidation or merger, 614.73
  Minimum permanent surplus, 614.19
  Name reserved, 614.09
  Nondomestic, admission, 618.14
  Requirements, 618.26
  Rehabilitation or involuntary conversion, 614.77
  Report expenditures to commissioner, 614.82 (1)
  Voluntary conversion to mutuals, 614.76
  Voluntary dissolution of solvent domestic fraternals, 614.74
Full-time office, statute, application, 15.06 (3)
Future estate, may determine value, 72.28 (1) (c)
Gift annuities, alteration of certificate of authority, 615.06
  Application for certificate of authority, 615.04
  Issuance of certificate of authority, 615.05
  Regulatory power, 615.03 (5)
  Revocation of certificate of authority, 615.06
Group insurance board, membership, 601.415 (2)
Health care liability, future medical expenses, adopt rules to manage, 655.015
  Hospital capacity and occupancy information, 655.019
  Mediation fee collection, rules, 655.61 (2)
  Rule-making authority, 655.004
Health care liability risk sharing plans, promulgate rules, 619.04
Health care plans, cost-effective provision, facilitating, 628.36 (4)
  Management contract services, may disapprove, 611.67
Health insurance mandate, prepare social and financial impact reports, 601.423
Health insurance risk sharing plan fund, 619.125