Future interests, classification, 700.03, 700.04
  Transferability, 700.07
Government bonds, joint tenancy--tenancy incommon, law does not apply, 700.22
Husband and wife as joint tenants, 700.19 (2)
Interest at will, classification of interest as to duration, 700.02
Interest for life, classification of interest as to duration, 700.02
Interest for life of another, succession, 700.06
Interest for years, classification of interest as to duration, 700.02
Issue, death without, interest contingent on, 700.09
Joint tenancy, administrative termination for real property, savings accounts, checking accounts, stocks and bonds, 867.045
  Certificate of termination, 867.04
  Characteristics, 700.17 (2)
  Creation, 700.19
  Death, effect of liens, 700.24
  Husband and wife, 700.19
  Killing other joint tenant, tenancy severed, 700.17 (2)
  Savings and checking accounts, Ch. 705
  Termination, 865.20
Life estate, administrative termination for real property, saving accounts, checking accounts, stocks and bonds, 867.045
  Certificate of termination, 867.04
  Termination, 865.20
Minerals, interests in, lapse and reversion, 706.057
Multiple-party and agency accounts, Ch. 705
Nominal conditions not enforced, 700.15
Periodic interest, classification of interest as to duration, 700.02
Perpetuities, restricted, 700.16
Present interests, classification, 700.03
Remainder, 700.04 (2)
  Acceleration, 700.13
  Classification, 700.05
  Presumed not to shorten prior interest, 700.13
  Shelley's case, rule abolished, 700.10
  To heirs, meaning, 700.11
  To heirs of owner of life interest, 700.10
  To issue, meaning, 700.11
Renewable energy resource easements; definition, requirements, 700.35
Rents and profits, liability among cotenants, 700.23
Restraint on alienation, 700.16
Reversionary interest, 700.04 (1)
Rights under state certificate of land sale, 24.24
Savings and loan association accounts, jointtenancy--tenancy in common, law does not apply, 700.22
Shelley's case, abolition of rule, 700.10
Solar access; obstruction, damages, 700.41
Spousal property after marital property determination date, 700.17 (1)
Tenancy in common, characteristics, 700.17 (3)
  Extent of undivided interests, 700.20
  Presumed, exceptions, 700.18
Transferability of future interests, 700.07
Undivided interests, extent of in tenancy in common, 700.20
Unit ownership,