Clerk of court payment to county treasurer, 59.395 (5m)
  Collection of forfeitures, Ch. 778
  Court costs and fees, 814.60 (2), 814.63 (3)
  Failure to pay, 973.07
  Municipal court procedure, Ch. 800
  Sentencing, 973.05
  Traffic regulation violations, 345.26, 345.36, 345.37, 345.375, 345.47, 345.49
Children, criteria for holding, 48.209
City, duties of police chief, 62.09 (13)
Clean indoor air law, 101.123
Commitment, alternative standard, 51.20 (1) (av)
  Reexamination, 51.37 (8)
  To county dept. or dept., 51.20 (13) (a)
Confined on tort judgment, how discharged, 898.01
Contracts for temporary housing for prisoners, 302.27
Controlled substance, prisoners not to have, 161.465
Credit for good time, 302.43
Definition, 302.30
Detention restrictions, parole and probation revocation hearings, 302.335
Discipline; solitary confinement, 302.40
Diseased inmates, removal, 143.05
Emergency, removal of prisoners, 302.35
Emergency services for crisis intervention, 302.381
Erection, 59.68
Escape, 946.42 to 946.45
  From insecure, county reimburses sheriff, 898.21
Extensions may be established by counties for temporary confinement, 59.68 (7)
Failure to report to, 946.425
Fire, removal of prisoners, 302.35
Good time, credit for, 302.43
Home detention program, 302.425
Huber facilities, 303.09
  Standards for construction and repair, 46.17 (1)
Huber law, 303.08
Indigency information, personnel to provide, 967.06
  Cooperation between counties, 302.44
  Dispositions, 51.20 (13)
  Jury trial, 51.20 (11)
  Maintenance, 302.33, 302.37
  Males and females participating together in supervised activities, 302.36 (2), 302.375 (3)
  Probable-cause hearing, 51.20 (7)
  Segregated, 302.36
  Use of drugs, rules, 51.20 (19)
Inspection by county board or committee, 59.685
  Compensation, 59.68 (6), 62.09 (13)
  Constantly at jail, 302.42
  Receive and keep fugitive, 976.03 (12)
  Removal of prisoners, 302.35
Liberties, bond, 898.17
  Bond forfeited, assignment, 898.27
  Bond, suit on, measure of damages, 898.28
  Boundaries marked, 898.15
  Commitment if surety not good, 898.18
  Definition, marked, 898.15
  Escape, defined, 898.20
  Voluntary return, defense on bond, 898.22
  Prisoner to have, conditions, 898.16
  Surrender of prisoner by sureties, 898.19
Liquor, wine, beer, prisoners not to have, 302.37, 302.375
Matrons, compensation, 59.68 (6), 62.09 (13)
Medical and hospital care, cost, recovery, refusal, 302.38, 302.384
Mental health treatment of prisoners, 302.383
Milwaukee county, 302.336
see Inmate, under this head
Probationers, confinement, 973.09 (4)
Program standards, 302.365
Purposes, 302.31
Reforestation camps for prisoners, 303.07
Rehabilitation facilities, 59.07 (76), 302.44
Religious worship and ministrations, 302.39
Sanitary conditions, 140.055, 302.37
Segregation of criminals, males and females participating together in supervised activities, 302.36 (2), 302.375 (3)
  Mentally ill, sexes, 302.36 (1)
Sheriff has charge, 59.23
State-local shared facilities, 302.45, 973.035
Transfer, 302.18 (6), 302.45
  Between house of correction, 973.14
United States convicts, contract for custody, 59.07 (47)
Village, conduct, 61.24
Wages of prisoner, 303.08
Work release plan, 303.08