To be entered on docket, 806.19 (1) (a)
Satisfied by order of court, 806.20 (1)
Satisfied not a lien, 806.21
Secured transactions, exclusion, 409.104 (8)
Signing and entry, 806.06
Small claims actions in circuit court, 799.16, 799.215, 799.22, 799.24
Special assessments, collection, 66.645
Stay, of proceedings to enforce, 806.08
Student loans, collection, 39.32 (11)
Suit on official bond, lien, 19.05
Summary, 802.08
  For sheriff, action on bail bond, 898.24, 898.25
Supreme court, docketing, lien, 806.16
  May order on reversal, 751.06
Tax lien foreclosure, action in rem, 75.521 (12)
Tax proceeding, to bar original owners, 75.39 to 75.52
Tax title, action to bar former owner, res adjudicata, 75.48
Tender, effect on costs, 807.01
Traffic regulation actions, 345.47
Traffic regulation violations, judgment against corporation, 345.375
Traffic violations, reopening, 345.27
Transcript, of municipal judge, 806.12
U.S. court, lien on lands, 806.17
Usurpation of office, franchise, privilege, 784.13
Verdict draws interest, 814.04
Waste, actions for, 844.20
Worker's compensation, award, 102.20
  Review, 102.24
Writs of prohibition, 783.12, 783.13
Wrongful death action, 895.04