Estates, power of personal representatives, 860.01
Expiration, effect of holding over, 704.25
Foreclosure, long-term, 704.31
Gambling place, lease void, lessor's remedy, 823.20
Harbor property by board of harbor commissioners, 30.38 (6)
Health and social services department, 46.035, 46.06 (3)
Highway acceleration program, transportation department relation to nonprofit corporations, 84.40
Holding over after expiration, effect, 704.25
Holding over, damages, 704.27
Life estate, owner dies, remedies available, 704.40
Life tenant, conveyance by, 710.07
Long-term, remedy on default, foreclosure, 704.31
Mining, 107.01 to 107.04
Mobile homes, regulations, 710.15
  Used, 218.15
Month-to-month tenancy, notice terminating, 704.17 (1)
Mortgage foreclosure, effect, 708.02
Motor vehicles leased, warranties, 218.015
Natural resources department, lands, parks, 26.08
Original agreement, 704.03 (1)
Periodic tenancy, notice terminating, 704.19
Personal property, unlawful retention, 943.20 (1) (e)
Prostitution, place of, void, lessor's remedy, 823.16
Railroads, execution, filing, 190.11
Removal of possessor of property, 710.10
Removal of tenant on termination of tenancy, 704.23
Rents, action between cotenants, 847.05
Secured transactions, application of chapter to leases, 409.104 (10)
Security deposit, penalty, 100.20 (5)
Self-service storage facilities, 704.90
State park lands, 27.01 (2) (g)
Sublease, effect of, 704.09
Submerged lands held by state, 24.39 (4)
  Finding of public interest, 30.11 (5)
Surrender by operation of law, 704.03 (4)
Tax paid by tenant, recovery, 74.73
Tenancy at will, notice terminating, 704.19
Tenant acknowledging 3rd person as new landlord does not affect landlord's rights, 704.13
Tenant for life or years conveying greater estate, 710.07
Tenant liable for waste, 844.06 (1)
Tenant's possession that of landlord, 893.31
Termination notice, 704.17, 704.19, 704.21
Termination of written lease prior to normal expiration date, 704.03 (4)
Transferability, effect of, 704.09
Trustees, powers, 701.19 (1)
Unenforceable, entry under, 704.03 (2)
Unlawful retention of personal property, penalty, 943.20 (1) (e)
Unsurveyed island, 28.02 (6)
Veterans' affairs department, power to enter agreements with nonstock, nonprofit corporations to provide facilities, 45.38
Village, space above or below municipal real estate, 66.048 (4)
  Space over street or alley, 66.048 (3)
Waste, who liable, 844.06
Week-to-week tenancy, notice terminating, 704.17 (1)
Written requirement, 704.03
Year or less tenancy, notice terminating, 704.17 (2)
Year or more tenancy, notice terminating, 704.17 (3)
Year-to-year tenancy, notice terminating, 704.17 (2)