  Classification, 13.20 (1)
  Compensation, 13.20 (2)
  Misconduct, investigation by legislative organization committee, 13.905
  Number and kind to be employed, 13.20 (1)
  Salaries, when payable, 16.53
  Staffing pattern, 13.20 (1)
  Transfers from state departments, 13.21
  Unclassified, 230.08 (2) (f)
Employment and training programs, 101.26
Energy development and demonstration program, review, 16.956 (6)
Environmental impact, statements by agencies involving proposed legislation, 1.11
Ethics code, 19.41 to 19.59
Exchange of votes by members, 13.05
Executive favor to members, 13.06
Expenses, in-session, interim, 13.123
Expulsion of members, IV, 8
Extra compensation, change in salaries, IV, 26
Federal aid management service, duty to inform and advise, 16.545
Federal oil overcharge funds, expenditure, 14.065
Fiscal bureau, agency requests to contain program and financial information, 16.42
  Director, salary, 20.923 (4)
  Duties, 13.95
  Purchasing, 16.74
Floral pieces for ill or deceased members, etc., 13.14 (2)
Freedom to vote and debate, 13.07
Governor may convene, V, 4
Governor's report, 14.04
Health care education funding report, 146.87
Historical society board of curators, membership, 15.70
Historic sites, closing, 44.20 (2)
Houses open to public, IV, 10
Housing and economic development authority, annual report re agricultural production loans, 234.90 (10)
  Representation on, 234.02 (1)
Impeachment, procedure, VII, 1
Independent agencies report, 15.04
Ineligibility of federal officers, IV, 13
  Of members, IV, 12
Insurance, 13.121 (4)
Interpellation of state officers, 13.28, 13.29
Interstate compacts, disapproval, 14.76
Jobs; state job training coordinating council or private industry council, submit plans, 101.26 (3)
Joint committee on employment relations, action on position assignments to executive salary groups, 20.923 (4) (intro.)
  Civil service compensation plan, modification, 230.12 (3)
  Membership, duties, 13.111
Joint committee on legislative organization, 13.80
  Advisory to ethics board, 19.47 (6)
  Appropriation, 20.765 (3) (f)
  Declaratory judgments, service, 806.04 (11)
  Duties and powers, 13.90
  Investigate legislative misconduct, 13.905
  Purchases for legislative branch, 16.74
  Work schedule for session, develop, 13.02 (3)
Joint finance committee,
Joint legislative audit committee, creation, duties, 13.53
Joint resolution, copy to secretary of state, 13.16
Joint survey committee on retirement systems, 13.50
Joint survey committee on tax exemptions, 13.52
Journals, IV, 10; 13.17
  Distribution, 35.85 (1)
  Evidence, 889.01
Judge of its members, IV, 7
Lake bed areas, review of legislation providing for conveyances of, 13.097
Laws, enacted by bill, style, IV, 17
  General and uniform, IV, 32
Legislative council,
Legislative power vested in, IV, 1
Legislative reference bureau,
Lobbying and logrolling, 13.61 to 13.74
Lottery, prohibition, exception, IV, 24
Lottery report on expense limitation, 565.45
Low-income energy assistance, 16.95 (9)
Majority parties, 13.46
Medical malpractice mediation system report, 655.68 (4)
Meetings, open, exceptions, 19.87
  Time, place, IV, 11; 13.02
Member dying after election, salary, 13.121
Members, entitled to continuance of case, 757.13
  Income tax exemption, 71.05 (1)
  Number of, IV, 2; 13.01
  Parking in capitol driveways, 13.90 (1) (i), 16.843 (3)
  Recall from office, 9.10
  Worker's compensation coverage, 102.03 (1) (g)
Metropolitan sewerage commissions, service on, compensation and expenses, 66.884 (6)
Mileage allowance, 13.08
Minority parties, 13.46
Misconduct, investigation by legislative organization committee, 13.905
National conference of state legislators, 13.57
Natural areas; heritage program, land dedications, 23.29