Produce wholesalers, 100.01
Product liability insurance reports, 601.425
Promotional packages, 100.16 (2)
Public markets, 93.06 (5)
Regular price advertising, 100.18 (2)
Restraint of trade, agricultural marketing act, 96.19
  Trusts and conspiracies, Ch. 133
Safety or energy savings claims, 100.21
Seeds, sale of, 94.38 to 94.46
Selling with pretense of prize, in-pack chance promotion exception, 100.16
Temporary injunctions, 135.065
  Branded containers, etc., Ch. 132
  Wisconsin products, uniform, 100.14
Trade secrets, privileged, 905.08
  Theft, penalty, 943.205
  Uniform act, 134.90
Trading stamps, regulation, 100.15
Unfair discrimination, buying milk, 100.22 to 100.25
Unfair practices, 100.20
  Cumulative remedies, 100.25
  Double damages, 100.20 (5)
  Revocation of authority, 100.24
  Secret rebates, 133.05
Unfair sales act, 100.30
Unsolicited goods, 241.28
Vegetable crops, unfair trade practices in purchase, 100.235
Warehouses, public, 99.02
  Uniform trademarks, 100.14
Wisconsin products, uniform trademarks, 100.14