mental healthMENTAL HEALTH
, Ch. 51
Abused or neglected children, reported by professional, 48.981
Adults, voluntary admission to treatment facility, 51.10
Alternate procedure to commitment under law; protective services placement, 51.67
Antidiscrimination law, applies to employes and patients of treatment facilities, 51.90
Authority, health and social services department, 46.50, 51.03
Care and custody of persons, 51.22
Citation of act, 51.95
Community services, 51.42
  Appropriation, 20.435 (7)
  Grants-in-aid, 51.423
Council on, 15.197 (1), 51.02
County human services dept., 46.23
Criminal commitments to mental health institutes, 51.37
Definitions, 51.01
Developmental disabilities,
Discharge of patients, 51.35 (4)
Education program on critical health problems, 115.35
Emergency detention in treatment facility, 51.15
  Child, 48.20
  Of adults, 51.10 (5)
Emergency protective placement, training, 55.06 (11) (d)
Guardianship and protective services, necessity prior to discharge of treatment facility, 51.35 (7)
Health and social services department duties, 46.03 (5)
Health problems education program, 115.35
Hearing, for protective services placement, 55.06 (11) (b)
Home visits and leaves authorized, 51.35 (8), 51.37 (10)
Incompetency, proceedings under mental health act not evidence of, 51.59
Interstate compact, 51.75 to 51.80
Interstate contracts for services, 51.87
Involuntary commitment for treatment, 51.20
Juvenile correctional facilities, transfer of children from, 51.35 (3)
Legislative policy, 51.001
Medical assistance program, reallocating funds for mental health care, 49.45 (6)
Mental health institutes,
Mental retardation facilities and community mental health centers construction, 140.67
  Applications, 140.73
  Construction programs, 140.69
  Definitions, 140.66
  Funds, receipt and disbursement, 140.76
  Hearing, forwarding of applications, 140.74
  Inspection of projects, 140.75
  Maintenance and operation standards, 140.71
  Priority of projects, 140.72
  State plans, 140.70
  Title of act, 140.65
Minors, outpatient treatment, 51.14
  Voluntary admission to treatment facility, 51.13
Nonresident patients on unauthorized absence from institution of another state, detention, 51.38
Outpatient clinic certifications, 51.038
Outpatient treatment facility determination, 51.04
Patients' rights, 51.59, 51.61, 55.07
Prisoners, commitments and treatment, report, 46.03 (5)
Private pay for patients, 51.63
Protection and advocacy systems, 51.62
Protective services, placement of individual, 55.06 (11)
  When commitment not warranted, 51.67
Records of patients, access to, 51.30
Residential living arrangements for patients, 51.35 (5)
Resident patients on unauthorized absence from treatment facility, 51.39
State aid, 51.91
State psychiatric institute, establishment, 46.044
Title of stats. chapter, 51.95
Transfers of patients, 51.35
Transitionary services for patients, 51.35 (5)
Tuberculosis patients, segregation of, 51.65
Unauthorized absence, returned to facility, 51.39
Veterans who are patients, transfers to veterans' administration facility, 51.35 (6)
Voluntary admission to treatment facility, of adults, 51.10
  Of minors, 51.13