Mass transit facilities, 59.965
Medical examiner, appointment, 59.346
  Assistants, salary, 59.35
  Autopsies and toxicological services, fees, 979.22
  Bond, 59.353
  Duties, 59.34
Memorial buildings, parks, etc., 45.058
Mental health complex, 51.08
  Patient's liability, 46.10 (14)
Mentally ill persons, chronic, community support programs, 51.421
  Emergency detention of, procedure, 51.15 (4)
Metropolitan sewerage commission,
  Waterways, enlargement, notice, 30.19
Metropolitan transit authority, how created, powers, duties, 66.94
Milwaukee river basin, priority watershed designation, management, 144.25 (4)
Morgue services, fees, 979.12
Mortgage housing assistance to municipalities, 66.38
Municipal water district standards, 198.22 (13)
Museums, 59.07 (33) (b)
  Aid for, 59.07 (33) (c)
Nursing and allied health field programs, 46.21 (2) (nm)
One-way traffic lanes, establishment, 349.03 (3)
Park commission, budgetary procedure, 27.06
Parking, lakefront facility, 59.07 (143)
Parks, general manager, unclassified civil service, 27.03 (2)
Personnel, director of, appointment, duties, 63.02 (2)
  Retired, contract for service, 59.07 (77)
Primary election, 8.11 (2)
  Ballot, 5.58
Private sewage system ordinance, 59.065
Probate court commissioner, 757.72
Publication and printing, contracts, 985.065
Public records:
  Certification of records, 228.02
  Copies, 228.04
  Copy deemed original record, 228.03
  Corrections and alterations, 228.06
  Destruction, 19.21 (5)
  Inspection, 228.04
  Marginal references, 228.05
  Recording by mechanical process authorized, 228.01
Public welfare board, establish policy for secure detention facilities for children, 48.22
Radio and television events, appropriation for advertising, 59.07 (30) (b)
Railroad grade separation, 195.29 (4)
Real estate conveyances, include tax key number, 59.514
Regional plans, plats, streets, etc., 236.46
Register of deeds, bonds, 59.13 (1) (g)
  Destruction of office records, 59.715 (23)
  Record change of street, alley, highway, etc., 59.56
Research and technology park, 59.07 (149)
Residential facilities for elderly and chronically disabled, revenue bonding, 46.28
Retirement system,
  Intrastate retirement reciprocity, 40.30
  Judges and reporters, 753.07 (2)
  Laws of 1937, Ch. 201
Sanatoriums and hospitals, 46.21 (4m)
School districts:
  Attachment to Milwaukee, 62.071
  Partial annexation to Milwaukee, 119.26
  Special meetings, limitation on number in year, 120.08 (2) (c)
Schools, dentists and nurses, employment, 120.13 (11) (b)
Sewage collection and treatment, debt limit and retirement period for, XI, 3
Sheriff, acts as constable, 62.09 (1) (e)
  Deputy assigned to district attorney, 59.23 (6)
  Fees, 59.28, 814.70
Shorelands, ch. 30 applicability, 30.05
Small claims actions:
  Court commissioner, 799.206
  Judgment, 799.24
  Proceedings before court commissioner, 799.207
  Summons, 799.04 (2)
  Trial by jury, 799.21 (3) (b)
Social services dept., 46.215, 48.56 to 48.59
  Assistance to minors concerning abortion notification, 46.24
  Audit by legislative audit bureau, 13.94
  Emergency shelter care for children, 48.07 (3)
  Information to pregnant women, 46.245
  Notice re day care programs for student parents, 46.99 (5)
  Protective services for handicapped, 55.02, 55.05 (1)
  Receive complaints re community-based residential facility, 50.03
  Welfare fraud investigation pilot project, 49.197
Social services to American Indians, 46.70
State building program, parking structure funding, 13.485
Stream courses, changing, permit, section does not apply, 30.195 (7)
Surveyor, 59.12
  Abolishment of office, VI, 4
  Governmental agency act as, 59.635 (3)
Tax levy to pay debt, XI, 3
Teachers, tenure, 118.23