Cost of services, 51.437 (4rm)
  Duties, 51.437 (4m)
  Establishment, integration of services, 51.437 (4g)
  Interstate contracts, 51.87
  Patients' rights, 51.61
  Powers, 51.437 (4r)
Developmental disabilities services director, in certain counties, 51.437 (10)
  In certain counties with county executive or administrator, 51.437 (10m)
Director of health and human services programs, absence or disability, 46.21 (1m)
  Appointment, 46.21 (1m)
  Bond, 46.21 (1m)
  Department heads, appointment, 46.21 (4) (a)
  Deputies, 46.21 (1m)
  Oath, 46.21 (1m)
  Powers and duties, 46.21 (3) (a)
  Reports, receipts, expenditures, 46.21 (6)
  Unclassified civil service, 46.21 (1m)
Disbursement of funds, 66.042 (2)
Divorce counsel,
see Family court commissioner, under this head
Dogs, impoundment fee, 174.046 (5)
  License, tags, 174.07
Elections, county board, 5.60
  Legal holidays, 895.20
Emergency detention of mentally ill persons, procedure, 51.15 (4)
Emergency hospital, 46.21 (2) (m)
Eminent domain, record by register of deeds, 59.56
Employe ownership grants and loans, 59.072
Employes, retired, contract for service, 59.07 (77)
Employment offices, 101.23 (2)
Excavations for buildings, filling, 66.05 (6)
Expressways, 59.965
  Property acquired for, tax exemption limitation, 70.11 (2)
Fairgrounds, acquisition, conveyance, 59.69 (1) (c)
Family conciliation department, 753.016 (3) to (5)
Family court commissioner, assistants, 767.13 (2)
Family support program for disabled, 46.985
Fees for marriage ceremonies, 59.07 (90)
Fire marshal deputy, 165.55 (4)
Fiscal year, 59.84
Forfeiture proceedings, controlled substances act, 161.555 (2) (c)
Funds, transfer, 59.84
General relief, reports, inspection, 49.53
Health and human services programs, director, 46.21
  Indigency determinations by county depts., 46.225
Hearing and speech impaired persons, provide teletypewriter for emergency needs, 59.07 (42m)
Hearing examiners, 767.13 (2)
Heating contractors, licensing, 59.07 (89)
Highway committee, cost accounting system, 83.015 (3) (a)
Highway damages, 80.30 (5)
Highway department, expressway work, 59.965 (9)
  Add to state or county system, 86.18
  Removal from county system, 83.025 (1)
  Removal of disabled vehicles, 349.13 (4)
  Widths, 80.64
Home for children needing protection or services, 48.57, 48.58
Home for delinquent children, 48.58
Home for dependent children, 46.21 (2)
Hospitals, 49.16 (2)
  And sanitoriums, 46.21 (4m)
  Emergency, 46.21 (2) (m)
House of correction, 303.16 to 303.20
  Temporary housing for prisoners, 302.27
Housing for low-income families, 59.07 (55)
Huber facilities, standards for construction and repair, 46.17 (1)
Human services dept., interstate contracts, 51.87
Indigency determinations, 46.225
Industrial development agency, 59.07 (75)
Infirmaries for aged infirm, 49.171 (2)
Infirmary, admission of inmates, 46.21 (5)
Institutions, admission of inmates, 46.21 (5)
  Board make land available for medical facilities, 46.21 (2) (p)
  Maintenance of inmates, recovery, 46.10 (12)
  Nurses' training school, 46.21 (2) (n)
  Work allowance to inmates, 46.21 (2) (i)
Investigators, police powers, 978.047
Isolation hospital, 59.70
Jail, Huber law privileges, 303.08
  Persons confined, costs, 302.336
Jury commissioners, fees, 756.03 (3)
Lakefront parking facility, 59.07 (143)
Law enforcement officers, application of law, 164.05
Law library, librarian, 757.41
Legal notices, publication, fees for, 985.08 (4)
Library system, borrowers' cards, 43.17 (10)
Low-income energy assistance, 49.80
Marriage ceremonies, fee for, 59.07 (90)
Mass transit facilities, 59.965
Medical examiner, appointment, 59.346