Alteration of property identification marks, 943.37
Appeal by defendant, 809.30
Appeals from circuit court, 974.01 (1)
Appeals to court of appeals, 974.01
Appearance bond, 969.02
Appellate procedure, 809.40
  Service of papers, 809.80 (2) (b)
Arraignment, 971.05
Bail, 969.02
Bail jumping, 946.49 (1) (a)
Child or spousal support, failure to, 948.22
Citations for, 758.171, 968.085
Civil service, state, violations, 230.43
Classification of, 939.51
Common carrier, drinking in, 947.04 (1)
Compounding crime, 946.67
Computer crimes, 943.70
  Attempts to commit, 939.32 (2)
Concealed weapon, carrying, 941.23
Concealing identity, penalties, 939.641
Contests, bribery of participants, 945.08 (2)
  Gambling by participants, 945.07 (1)
Counsel, denial of right of, 946.75
Credit card violations, 943.41 (8) (a)
Crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, 973.045
Crime victims, duty to aid, report crime, 940.34
Criminal damage to railroads, 943.07
Criminal trespass to dwellings, 943.14
Criminal trespass to medical facility, 943.145
Defamation, 942.01
Defendant need not be present at proceedings, 971.04 (2)
Definition, 939.60
  Repeaters, 939.62 (3)
Disorderly conduct, 947.01
Emergency personnel, obstructing, 941.37
Entry into locked coin box, 943.125
Entry into locked vehicle, 943.11
Entry onto construction site or into locked building, dwelling or room, 943.15
Escape, 946.42
Expungement of record for person under 21, 973.015
False fire alarm, 941.13
False information for publication, 942.03
False swearing, 946.32 (2)
Firearm, in public building, 941.235
Fire fighting, interfering with, 941.12
Flag, improper use, 946.06
Fornication, 944.15
Gambling, 945.02, 945.04
Grandchild support, failure, 948.22
Hazing, 948.51
Hotel, restaurant or campground keeper, fraud on, 943.21
Insurance, false claims, 943.395
Intentional damage to property of another, 943.01 (1)
Judicial officer collecting claims, 946.16
Law enforcement officer, failure to render aid, 940.291
Legal process, simulating, 946.68
Letter opened without consent, 942.05
Lewd and lascivious behavior, 944.20
Mental institutions, aiding in escape, 946.74
Negligent handling of burning material, 941.10 (1)
Negligent operation of vehicles, 941.01 (1)
Notices, public, tampering with, 946.72
Parolee, encouraging violation, 946.46
Payments, unlawful receipt to obtain loan for another, 943.62
Peace officer, personating, 946.70
  Refusing to aid, 946.40
  Resisting, obstructing, 946.41
Penalty when none expressed, 939.61 (2)
Personating public officer or employe, 946.69
Prisoner, negligently allowing escape, 946.45 (1)
Probation, 973.09 (2)
Probationer, encouraging violation, 946.46
Prostitutes, patronizing, 944.31
Prostitution, 944.30, 944.31
Public building, carrying firearm in, 941.235
Recorded sounds, transfer for unlawful use, sale, 943.207
Rescue personnel, obstructing, 941.37
Sales tax, failure to have seller's certificate, 77.52 (12)
  False resale certificate, false certification as to exemptions, 77.52 (16)
  Illegal for retailer to absorb, 77.52 (4)
Sexual assault, 4th degree, 940.225 (3m)
Sexual gratification, 944.17, 944.30 (2)
Shoplifting, 943.50 (4)
Special disposition for person under 21, 973.015
Speedy trial, 971.10 (1)
State or county institutions, violating laws governing, 946.73
Statute of limitations, 939.74
Strip search by school employe, 948.50