Additional stop signs, 349.07 (6)
  Direct heavy traffic, 349.17
  Regulation forbidden, exceptions, 349.03
  Stop signs at railroad crossings, install, 349.085
  Temporary school zone warning signs, erection, 349.07 (6)
Local traffic regulation, 349.06
Mark lanes, authority, 349.10
Mass transit way, municipalities may establish; car pools, 349.22
Milwaukee county, removal of disabled vehicles from highways, 349.13 (4)
Mopeds, regulation and registration, 349.18
  Use on expressways, 349.105
Motor bicycle, regulation and registration, 349.18
Municipal ordinance requiring accident reports, 349.19
No-passing zones, designation, 349.12
Officer, direct traffic, 349.02
One-way highways, who may declare, 349.10
Ordinances, juvenile violations, 48.17, 343.345, 345.18
  Pedestrians, 349.185 (2)
Parked vehicle, immunity to persons removing and storing, 349.13 (5)
  Removal by police, 349.13 (3)
  Removal from private parking lots, 349.13 (3m)
  Return of personal property in towed or stored vehicle, 349.13 (5) (b)
Parking, angle, permitted when, 349.13 (2) (e)
  Double, permitted when, 349.13 (2) (b)
  Exceptions to time limits for residents, 349.13 (1g)
  In certain places, 349.13 (2)
  Meters, 349.14
  Night, 349.13 (1)
  Regulatory power, 349.13
  Schools in Milwaukee, near, 349.13 (2) (f)
Pedestrians, local ordinances, 349.185 (2)
  Use of expressways, 349.105
Penalty, hayrack or sleigh rides, unauthorized, 349.25
Police, enforce traffic law, 349.02
Populous counties, removal of disabled vehicles from highways, 349.13 (4)
Processions, regulation, 349.185
Prohibition of turns, 349.10 (1) (c)
Safety island, maintenance, 349.10
Safety zone, designation and marking, 349.10
School bus warning lights, regulate use, 349.21
School crossing guards, authority to appoint, 349.215
Schools, speed limits, 349.11 (7)
Seasonal weight limitations, 349.16
Sidewalk area, parking, 349.13 (2) (a)
Signs and signals:
  Cost, 349.08
  Department may furnish, 349.08
  No stopping, standing or parking, 349.13 (1)
  Railroad crossings, 349.085
  Unauthorized, 349.09
Signs, warning of school zone, 349.07 (6)
  Yield, authority to install, 349.07 (7)
Sleigh rides, license, 349.25
Slow-moving traffic, marked lanes, 349.10
Snowmobiles, local regulation not permitted, exception, 349.03 (1)
  Local traffic regulation, may adopt if in conformity with state law, 349.06
  Police and traffic officers to enforce law, 349.02
Speed limits:
  Governmental liability, 349.11 (6)
  Regulations, 349.11 (1), (2), (3), (8m)
  Signs necessary, 349.11 (5)
  Temporary, during construction or repair, 349.11 (10)
  Viaducts, bridges, etc., 349.11 (4)
Standing vehicle, regulation, 349.13
Stopping, standing or parking, regulation, 349.13
Stop signs, installation at railroad crossings, 349.085
Swimming, posting bridges against, 349.20
Taxicabs and operators, municipal license, 349.24
Through highways, who may declare, 349.07
Traffic-control signals, 349.08
  Uniform system, 349.065
Traffic officer, enforce traffic law, 349.02
  Move parked vehicle, 349.13 (3)
Traffic regulation:
  Local, adopting authority, 349.06
  Local forbidden, exception, 349.03
Transportation department, designate no-passing zones, 349.12
  May furnish signs, 349.08
Turning, at intersections, 349.10
  On highways, regulations, 349.10
Unauthorized signs and signals, removal, 349.09
U-turns, prohibition, 349.10 (1) (f)
Weight limitations, modify, 349.15
  Special or seasonal, 349.16
Zones, no-passing, designation, 349.12
  Safety, designation, marking, 349.10
MOTOR VEHICLES 8. Registration8. Registration
, Ch. 341
Address, change, notify department, 341.335