municipal borrowingMUNICIPAL BORROWING
, Ch. 67
Provisions on public borrowing generally are indexed here. Provisions relating strictly to a particular municipality will be found under the specific title of that governmental unit, e. g., VILLAGE, subhead, Bonds.

1. Generally
2. Bonds

Accounting for and cancellation of obligations, 67.10 (9)
Accounting of receipts and disbursements, 67.10 (3)
Actions to contest, limit 30 days, 893.77
Auditorium board, county-city, 66.505
Borrowing in anticipation of revenues, 67.12 (1)
Collateral security, municipal obligation as, 219.04 (2)
Contracts anticipatory on sale of bonds, 67.10 (5)
Debt limit, municipal public utility or public transportation system financing not included, 66.066
Fiscal agent, 67.10 (2)
Flood control board, promissory notes, 87.11
Funds, improper use of by officers, penalty, 67.17
Housing authorities exempt from ch. 67, 67.015
Improvement bonds, county park, 27.065
Industrial development revenue bonding, job impact estimates, 66.521, 560.034
Industrial sites, financing, 66.52
Investment in municipal obligations, 219.04 (2)
Metropolitan sewerage district commission, applicability of ch. 67, 66.91 (2)
Metropolitan transit authority, 66.94 (15)
Money, investment, 67.10 (3)
  Separate fund, rules as to disbursements, 67.10 (3)
Money of the U.S., taxes and debt payment, 67.10 (1)
Municipal obligations, book entry system for principal and interest payments, 67.09 (3)
  Debt service fund, 67.11
  Registration, 67.09
Public improvements, contractor's certificate, 66.54
Receipts and disbursements in separate accounts, 67.10 (3)
Refunding bonds validated, 992.04
State loans, 24.61 to 24.75
  Application, contents, 24.66
  Certificates of indebtedness, conclusiveness, 24.67
  Collection, 24.70, 24.74
  Due dates, principal and interest, 24.65
  Extension, 24.73
  Limitation upon use, 24.72
  Payment, 24.68
  Term, amount, interest, 24.63
  By school boards, 67.12 (8)
  Loans, 67.12 (1) (a) to (d)
  On promissory note, 67.12 (12)
Town orders for highway improvement, 81.12
Utility stock, borrowing on, 66.066 (4)
Variable rate obligations, 67.15
Villages, power must be expressly conferred, 61.61
Accounting and cancellation, 67.10 (9)
Airports, purchase of land, 114.13
Anticipation notes, issuance, 66.066 (2) (m)
Attorney's opinion on bond issue, 67.10 (7)
Bids and sale, limitations, 67.08
Blighted area redevelopment, 66.43 (14)
Blight elimination and slum clearance, 66.431 (5)
Cancellation on payment, register, 67.10 (9)
Certification of, 67.025
Combination of issues, 67.05 (13)
Corporate purpose bonds, 67.05 (13)
Curative act, 67.02
Debt service fund, 67.11
Definitions and scope of chapter, 67.01
Destruction of canceled obligations and coupons, 67.10 (9) (b)
Execution, who to sign, seal, 67.08
Fiscal agent, 67.10 (2)
Flood control board, 87.12 (5)
Form and contents, 67.06
Funds, improper use of by officers, penalty, 67.17
Grant of power to issue, 67.03