municipal power districtsMUNICIPAL POWER DISTRICTS
, Ch. 198
Accountant, report, 198.167
Acquisition, of part of utility, 198.17 (5)
  Of utilities, 198.13 (1), 198.17 (3)
  Construction, operation, 198.12 (6)
Annexation of territory, 198.19
Appointment of attorney, clerk or treasurer, 198.145 (3)
Attorney, duties, 198.165
Bond issues, 198.14 (9), (10), 198.18
  Not to be affected by amending acts, 198.21
Bonds, procedure for issuance, 67.05
Borrowing, 198.14 (9), (10)
  General provisions,
  Levying tax, 198.10
  Loan from municipality, 198.17 (8)
Boundary changes, 198.14 (16)
Chapter 196 applicable, 198.12 (5)
Claims against for personal injury, filing, 198.12 (2)
Clerk, duties, 198.165
Compensation to directors, 198.11
Condemnation procedure, 198.17
Consolidation, 198.20
Creation, 198.02
Definitions, 198.01
Directors, 198.07
  Appointment, oath, term, 198.08
  Board of, appointment of manager, 198.16
  Powers, 198.14
  Procedure, 198.15
  Compensation, 198.11
  Vacancies, 198.09
Dissolution, 198.13 (3) to (5)
Election, 198.06
  County clerk to call, 198.04 (3), 198.06 (1)
Financing, 66.066
Franchise to utility, 198.13 (2)
Investments, 198.18 (4)
Legislative power, 198.145
Management, 198.07
Manager, appointment, duties and powers, 198.16
Municipal corporation, 198.12
Notice of election on creation, 198.06 (1)
Notices, publications, 198.15 (4)
Obligations, no impairment by amending acts, 198.21
Ordinances, enacting clause, 198.145
Organization, procedure, 198.03 to 198.06
Plan, public service commission to assist, 198.025
Powers, board of directors, 198.14
  Corporate, 198.12
  General, 198.02
Revenue bonds on plant, 198.14 (10)
Securities, trust investments, 198.18
Service contracts, 198.14 (12)
Service of process on, 198.12
Subdistricts, boundaries, 198.05, 198.07
Taxation, 198.10
Territorial annexation, 198.19
Treasurer, duties, 198.165
Use of streets, 198.12 (6)
Venue of actions by or against, 198.12
Water districts, creation, laws applicable, 198.22
Water power, acquisition, development, operation, 198.12 (6)
Worker's compensation law applicable, 198.12