Application for loan, 222.15
Articles of organization, 222.01
Auditors' annual report, 222.22
Bills or notes of, not to issue as money, 222.11
Bond, officers and employes, 222.08
  Surety securing agreement on added contributions, 222.021, 222.022
Borrowing money, 222.21 (1)
Business by, conditions precedent, 222.02
Bylaws, 222.04
Cash reserves required, 222.20
Certificate of authority from commissioner of banks, 222.024
Checking accounts, establish and service, 222.21
Commissioner of banks enforces law, 220.02 (2), (3)
Commissions, officers not to accept, 222.10
Compensation of officers, 222.09
Control of withdrawals, 222.12 (3)
Corporate existence, conditions for business, 222.02
Definition, 224.01
Deposits, 222.12
  Limit of amount, 222.12
Directors, borrowing prohibited, exception, 222.10
  Commissions prohibited, 222.10
  Election, filling vacancies, 222.05
Dividends, 222.16 to 222.18
Earnings, distribution, 222.16 to 222.18
Election, of directors or trustees, 222.05
  Of member, 222.03
Existence, when complete, 222.02
Expense fund, contributions to, 222.022
  Refund, 222.023
Fiduciary capacity, 222.21
Forfeiture by bank director, 222.10
Guaranty fund, 222.021, 222.16
  When return of permitted to incorporators, 222.023
  Agreement on added contributions, 222.021, 222.022
  Surety bond, agreement for added contributions, 222.021, 222.022
Insurance against robbery, 222.08 (2)
Investments permitted, 222.13
Joint tenant deposits,
Liability, 222.21
Loan, application for, filing, 222.15
  Collateral as security, 222.14
  Life insurance as security, 222.14 (2)
  Mobile home as security, 222.14 (4)
  Personal obligation, 222.14 (1)
  Savings account or time deposit as security, 222.14 (3)
Membership, election, 222.03
  Filling vacancies, 222.03
  Vacated by failure to attend meetings, 222.03
Multiple-party accounts,
Officers, compensation, 222.09
  Election, 222.06
  Qualifications, 222.07
Organization, 222.01
Personal obligation loans, 222.14 (1)
Personal property, investment regulated, 222.19
Powers, 222.21
Quorum, 222.05
Real estate, holdings in limited, 222.19
Regulations, posting, 222.04
Reserves, amount, where deposited, 222.20
Robbery insurance compulsory, 222.08 (2)
Run on, how prevented, 222.12 (3)
Sale of U.S. bonds, 221.04 (7)
Security for loans, 222.14
Treasurer, not to be stockholder in another bank, 222.07
Trust powers, 222.21
Uniform rules, savings, withdrawals, charges, bonds, 220.04 (6)
Vacancies, directors, filling, 222.05
  Of members, filling, 222.03
Withdrawals, 222.12