Icebound inland waters, local regulations, 30.81
Ice holes, guard requirements, penalty, 167.26
Improvement by cities, 62.23 (18)
Jurisdiction, concurrent, waiver of state law, 30.06
  Free usage, IX, 1
Lake bed areas, review of legislation providing for conveyances of, 13.097
see Lakes
Lease wharf privileges, municipality, 30.30 (8)
Lower Wis. state riverway,
Marine shipping structures, approve plans, 30.31 (7)
Milwaukee shorelands, ch. 30 applicability, 30.05
Mining, water diversion or withdrawal, 144.855
Mississippi river,
  Conservation and management, 144.026
  Water withdrawal violations, investigations, 144.976
  Remedies, 144.977
Mississippi river parkway commission, membership, duties, 14.85
Moorings, designated areas, 30.773
  Placement and use, restrictions, permits, 30.772
  Violations, 30.68 (8m)
Motor vehicles, operation in waters prohibited, exceptions, 30.29
Natural resources department authority, 31.02
  As to bulkhead lines, 30.11
Navigable waters, defined and enumerated, 30.10
Navigation aids, limited municipal jurisdiction for administration and enforcement, 30.745
  Uniform, 30.74 (2)
Nuisances, abatement, 30.294
Obstructions, forfeiture, 30.15, 31.23
Outlying waters, removing bed material, ores, minerals, 30.20
Parties to a violation, 30.292, 30.99
Penalties, 30.298
Permits, for enclosing, issuance to municipalities, 30.196
  General, 30.206
  Limits and conditions, 30.07
Pierhead lines, establishment, 30.13
see Piers
Procedure in making harbor improvements, 30.31
Protection law, 144.26
Public access to Lake Lions, 30.90
Public rights, remedy against infringement, 30.03 (4)
  Water regulation, mining, 144.855
Public service commission,
Reports on bulkhead, pierhead violations, 30.14
Right of access preserved, 24.11 (3)
Riprap, permit issued to install, 30.12 (3)
Rivers, alterations by metropolitan sewerage district commission, 66.894 (8)
  Metropolitan sewerage district commission construction, 66.894 (2)
  Waste discharging into, metropolitan sewerage district commission order sewer connection, 66.896 (3)
St. Croix river,
Scenic urban waterways, appropriation, 20.370 (4)
  Designation, departmental powers and duties, 30.275
Seaplanes, regulations, landing strips, 30.78
Shorelands, waste disposal sites and facilities, 144.46
  Zoning, 59.971
Shore lines, establishment, 30.11
Shore protection walls, financing, 30.34 (2)
Skin diving, flag marking and restrictions, 30.70
Special assessments, harbor improvement, 30.30 (4), 30.31 (6)
State law waived, 30.06
Stream bank easement program, 23.094
Stream courses, changing, 30.195
Streams, plats, public access requirements, 236.16 (3)
Structures constructed without permit, legitimate, 30.122
Structures in navigable waters, permits, 30.12
Submerged lands held by state, right to lease, 24.39 (4), 30.11 (5)
Surplus water, diversion, 30.18
Swimming rafts, regulation, 30.13
Throwing mill waste in, 29.29 (3)
U. S., acquire sites to aid, 1.05
  Erect structures to improve, 1.02
Violations of bulkhead, pierhead lines, reports, hearings, 30.14
Waiver of state law, 30.06
Watercraft and floats, removal, 30.16 (1)
Water diversion or withdrawal for mines, 144.855
Water resources development projects, 30.205
Water safety patrols, state aid, 30.79
Water skiing, regulated, 30.69
Waterways, permit to enlarge, 30.19
Weeds, cutting, must be removed, 30.125
Wharf privileges, leasing by municipality, 30.30 (8)
Wharves and piers, construction without permit under certain circumstances, 30.13 (1)
  Dilapidated, declared nuisances, 823.215
  Easements, 30.131
  Regulation, 30.13
  Removal by municipalities extending beyond pierhead line, 30.13 (5), 66.0495, 893.765
  Unlawful obstruction, 30.13 (4)
Wild rivers, designation, preservation, 30.26
Withdrawal of water for mines, 144.855
Wolf river, prohibition of development, 30.25