For damages, 823.01
  To abate, district attorney, injunction, 823.10
  To enforce ordinances, 823.065
  To restrain, 823.01, 823.02
Agricultural use or practice actions, 823.08
  Costs, 814.04 (9)
Airport approaches, encroachments, 114.135
Appeals to supreme court, stay, 5 days, 823.02
Application of proceeds of sale, 823.14
Bingo control act, violations, 163.71 (2)
Bond to dismiss action, 823.15
Buildings and places declared, 823.09
Buildings, unsafe and unsanitary, 66.05, 823.21
Cemeteries, prohibited locations, 157.065 (5)
Cigarette tax law violations, 139.42
City ordinance, repeated violations, 823.065
Contempt, violating judgment, 823.12, 823.13
Controlled substances act violations, 161.53
Conviction as evidence of bawdyhouse, 823.10
Cost of abatement, who to pay, 146.14
Costs of action, lien on premises, 823.14
  When taxed to plaintiff, 823.11
Defined, 146.14
Disorderly houses, 823.09 to 823.15
Drug houses, 823.113 to 823.115
Execution for damages, 823.04
Expense of abating, how collected, 823.06
Fishing, hunting and trapping devices, 29.03
Five days to appeal in action to abate, 823.02
Gambling places, abatement, 823.20, 945.01 (4) (c)
Health and social services department may abate, 146.14
Houses of ill fame, abatement, 823.09 to 823.15
Housing violating building codes or health orders, 823.22
Ice, shelters on, 29.03 (4), 29.283 (3)
Judgment, contents, 823.13
  Enforcement, 823.13
  Of removal or abatement, 823.03
Jurisdiction of action, 823.01
Lis pendens in actions to abate, 823.14
Marathons, walkathons, etc., 175.15
Migrant labor camp, operation without certificate, 103.92 (4)
Motor vehicles abandoned, 342.40
Navigable waters, abating obstruction, 31.25
Navigable waters law, violations, 30.294
Noxious matter discharged in highway or waters, abatement, 146.13
Offensive industry, abatement, 66.052
Penalty for violating injunction, 823.12
  Action, for damages, 844.01
  Intervenors, 844.18
  To abate, 844.01
  To restrain, 844.01
  Who may bring, 844.01, 844.15
  Complaint, contents, 844.16
  Damages, 844.19, 844.20
  Execution may be stayed, 844.21
  Expense of abating, how collected, 844.21
  Fences may be, 844.10
  Hedges may be, 844.10
  Interference with interest in real property, defined, 844.01
  Judgment, 844.20
  Parties to action, 844.15, 844.18
  Physical injury to real property, defined, 844.01
  Real property, defined, 844.01
  Security interest in real property, lessening without physical injury, not actionable, 844.01
  Spite fence, action to abate, 844.10
  Stay, of judgment or warrant to abate, 844.21
  Warrant to abate, 844.21
Prostitution, place of, lessor's remedy, 823.16
Public, action to abate, 823.01
  Metropolitan sewerage district commission, special orders, noncompliance, 66.902 (2)
  Who may enjoin or prosecute, 823.02
Real property, violation of municipal building codes or health orders, 823.22
Removal, who to pay, 146.14
Signs and signals near highway, prohibited, 349.09
Stay, in state cases, 823.02
  Of order, judgment, 823.02
  Of warrant to abate, 823.05
Tire dumps, 144.449
Violation of ordinance, action, 823.07
Warrant, for abatement, 823.04
  To remove, stay, 823.05
Water pollution orders, violation, 144.98
Weeds, control of, 66.955
  Cut in navigable waters, 30.125
Wharves and piers in navigable waters, dilapidated, 823.215
Wild animals, removal of, 29.59