Payments, 49.45 (6m)
Mentally ill, residence, determination, 51.40
Minimum staffing requirements, 50.04 (2) (c)
Monitor, placement by department, 50.05
Nonrenewal or revocation of license, notice, 50.03 (5)
Notice of violation, exceptions, 50.04 (4)
Nurse's, assistants, instructional programs, 146.40
Nursing facility resident protection, 49.499
Patient's records, 146.82 (2) (a)
Payroll records, inspection, 50.02 (2) (c)
Per diem rates, limitation on, 150.27
Personnel, required, 50.04 (2)
Plan of care and assessment required, 50.04 (2m)
Probationary license, 50.03 (4m)
Prohibited acts, 50.07
Projects, approval requirement, 150.29
  Approvals not transferable, 150.41
  Judicial review, 150.43
  Review criteria and standards of dept., 150.39
  Validity of approval, extension, progress reports, 150.45
Receiver, appointment of, 50.05
Reports, request by dept., 50.096
Resident removal, 50.03 (5m)
Residents, action to correct conditions, 50.10
Resource allocation program, applicability, 150.21
  For long-term care, 150.21 to 150.45
Rights of residents, 50.09, 50.095
Service of notices, 50.03 (2m)
Skilled nursing facilities, requirements for, 49.498
Specialized consultation, request of department, 50.02 (1)
Special provisions applying to licensing and regulation, 50.04
Standards, 50.02
Transfer of ownership, 50.03 (13)
Tuberculosis treatment facilities, maintenance charges, 149.04
Uniform accounting system for each level of licensure, 50.03 (10)
Violations, 50.04 (7)
  Notice, correction, 50.04 (4)
Voting, prohibited practices, 12.13 (4)