parties to actionPARTIES to ACTION
Abate private nuisance, 844.15, 844.17, 844.18
Action, against heirs, legatees, 777.18
  By assignee of bail bond, 898.28
Adding defendant:
  After foreclosure judgment, 846.09
  On motion of a defendant, 803.04 (2) (b)
Appearances, I, 21
  In court, 879.15
Assignment rights, joinder of persons, 803.03 (2)
Attachment, owner may intervene, 811.26
Capacity, 803.01
Child custody jurisdiction act, 822.10
Claims, joinder of, 803.02
Class actions, 803.08
Competency in criminal proceedings, 971.13, 971.14
Competency of witnesses, general rule, 906.01
Construction liens, 779.036 (4) (b)
  Foreclosure, 779.09
  Public works, 779.14, 779.15
Cotenants, must be joined in partition action, 842.04
Crime victims, inquiry at pretrial conferences, 803.03 (2) (c)
Death, after verdict or findings, 803.10 (5)
  Ejectment action, 843.06
  Substitution of parties, 803.10 (1)
Declaration of interest in real property actions, 841.03
Declaratory relief, 806.04 (11)
Defective street, highway, injury, 81.15
Defendant, appeal or postconviction relief, 809.30
  Defined, 801.03
  Forfeiture proceedings, controlled substances act, 161.555 (2) (a)
  Notice of rights to appeal and representation, 973.18
  When entitled to costs, 814.03
Derivation rights, joinder of persons, 803.03 (2)
Ejectment, necessary defendant, 843.05
Executor, administrator, trustee need not join beneficiary, 803.01 (2)
Fees, party demanding jury trial, 814.61 (4)
Fictitious names may be used, 807.12
  Of log lien, 779.20
Forfeiture, joinder of informant, 778.04
Garnishee, when a defendant, 812.15
Garnishment, impleading, 812.17
  Joinder of garnishees, 812.05 (3)
Impleader, insolvent bank corporation, 776.17
Incompetent as witnesses, when, 885.16, 885.17
Incompetent party, action continued by or against representative, 803.10 (2)
Incompetent persons, 803.01 (3)
Infants, 803.01 (3)
Insurance companies, joinder, 803.04 (2)
Interest transferred, action may be continued by or against original party, 803.10 (3)
Interpleader, 803.07
Interpreters, 807.14
Interrogatories to parties, 804.08
Intervention, 803.09
Joinder of persons needed for complete adjudication, 803.03
Jointly liable, statute of limitations, 893.47
Judicial review of administrative orders, 227.53
Limited partnership, derivative actions, proper plaintiff, 179.92
Log lien cases, 779.29
Marital or nonmarital child, presumption, 891.39
Marital property, actions affecting, joinder, 803.04 (3)
  Creditors, actions to satisfy spousal obligations, 803.045
Minors, 803.01 (3)