Minors, 803.01 (3)
Misjoinder, not grounds for dismissal, 803.06
Motion to stay:
  Forum non conveniens, 801.63
  Costs, 814.49 (2)
Municipal boundary disputes, fixed by judgment, 66.027
One may represent class, 803.08
Partition action, 842.02
  Cotenants must be made parties, 842.04
  Refusal to convey as ordered, effect, 842.15
  Water powers, 842.06
Partnership members unknown, 807.12
Permissive joinder of parties, 803.04
Plaintiff, costs allowed, 814.01
  Defined, 801.03
Plaintiffs, joinder in forfeiture action, 778.04
Public officer, death or separation from office, successor substituted, 803.10
Quo warranto actions, 784.03
  Several claiming office joined, 784.12
Real party in interest, 803.01 (1)
Real property, necessary party missing, action not to be dismissed, 840.06
Realty suits, unknown owner, 807.12
Refusal to testify, pleadings struck, 885.11 (5)
Relators in quo warranto, 784.03
Representatives, 803.01 (2)
Separate trials, 803.04 (4)
State made party in declaration of interests in real property action, 775.10
Stockholders, officers, defendants, with corporation, 776.18
Subrogation rights, joinder of persons, 803.03 (2)
Substitution of parties, 803.10
Third party practice, 803.05
Town boundary dispute, towns, 66.029
Trustee need not join beneficiary, 803.01 (2)
Wrongful death action, 895.04