False statement in application for loan, 215.21 (23)
  Officers or employes, failing to furnish bond, 215.11 (7)
  Giving or accepting money for loans, 215.21 (21)
  Unauthorized association, acting for, 215.26 (6)
School, failure to attend, 118.15 (5)
  Fund, to go to, X, 2
  Private; solicitors' permits, violations, 38.51 (8) (i)
  Textbook law, 118.03
Scrap iron or steel tax, false statements, 70.415
Securities law violations, 551.58
Seeds, regulation, 94.46
Self-service storage facility violations, 704.90 (10)
Seller of checks law, violations, 217.16
Shining animals, 29.245 (7)
Shoplifting, 943.50
Slander of real estate title, 706.13
Slaughterhouses, interference with inspection, 97.42 (8)
  Wrongful use, 66.075
Sleigh rides, without license, 349.25
Smoking regulations, violations, 101.123 (8)
Soil and plant additives, regulation, violations, 94.65 (11)
Solicitation of contributions, unauthorized use of names, 440.41 (10)
Solicitation of drinks in taverns prohibited, 944.36
Stairways, open, not guarding, 167.20
State buildings, management, 16.84 (11)
  Use, 16.845
State contracts, unlawful wage rate, 103.49, 103.50
State fair, ticket scalping, 42.07
State parks, destruction of trees, flowers, etc., 27.01
  General penalty provision, 27.98
State prisons, maintenance of order, 302.07
Statewide emergency services telephone number, 146.70 (10)
Storage of junked automobiles, 175.25
Street trade offenses, 103.29, 103.31
Streets, obstruction or excavation, 66.045
Strikebreakers, recruitment, 103.545 (5)
Strikers, 111.70 (7)
Strip searches, violations, 968.255
Student misconduct, unlawfully on campus, 36.35
Sulfur dioxide emissions, limitation violations, 144.385 (8)
Sweeping, violation of regulations, 146.09
  Gift, 72.86 (6)
  Occupational, failure to make correct listing, 70.41 to 70.425
  Tax returns, local officer's failure, 76.11 (2)
Telegraph messages, offenses, 134.36, 134.37
Telegraph wires or poles, injury, 134.39, 134.40
Theft, retail, 943.50
Threat or promise to influence vote, 103.20
Threshing machine joints, uncovered, 167.18
Timber theft, 26.05 (3)
Time checks not properly payable, 103.45
Time, illegal use in business place, 175.09
Time-share ownership, 707.57
Tobacco products retailer license, 134.65
Tobacco products tax violations, 139.44, 139.85
Toilets, penalty for charging fee, 146.085
Tourists' lodging laws or regulations, violation, 50.59
see Marks, under this head
Trade regulations, violations, 100.26
Traffic officer, fleeing from, 346.17 (3)
Transportation department, false statements to, 345.17
Traps for animals, molesting, 29.13 (5)
Trees, evergreen, illegal cutting, sale, shipment, 134.60
  On highway or street, cutting, injuring, 86.03
Trespass to flood control improvements, 87.17
Trust company or bank, unlawful use of those words, 223.08
Unclaimed property act, 177.34
Unclaimed property in public treasury, failure to give notice, 59.90
Unemployment compensation offenses, 108.14 (8), 108.24
Unfair sales act, 100.30
Unfair trade practices, secret, 133.05
University regents, parking rules, violations, 36.11 (8)
  Violation of rules to protect people, 36.11 (1) (a)
Upholstering, regulation violations, 146.04 (1)
Used oil fuel, 144.50
Usurper of office, 784.13
Usury, 138.06
Variable interest rate contracts secured by first lien residential mortgages, violations of regulations, 138.057
Vehicle accidents and accident reports, violating statutes, 346.74
see Motor vehicles, under this head
Vending machine distributors, loans by prohibited, 125.20 (6)
Veterans' loan application requirements, 45.35 (17)
Veterans memorial highways, orders regulating, 84.103
Veterans' papers, metals, wrongful use, 45.48
Veterinary practice, penalties, 453.05
Victims of crimes, escrow accounts, violations, 949.165 (14)
  Fraudulent claims, etc., 949.17
Vital records, violations, 69.24