Sheriff's deed to, 815.56
Spouse's death, satisfaction of obligations, 859.18
Successor, rights and powers, 857.23
Suit in own name, beneficiary not joined, 803.01 (2)
Survivor, powers, 857.13
Suspension of powers during war service, 112.02
Taxes, duty to pay, 857.03
Tax, personalty, assessment, 70.18, 70.21, 70.22
Time limits to settle, extension, 863.35
Tort actions, survival, 777.01
Tort, cause of action against decedent, 859.45
Transfers to minors act, 880.61 to 880.72
Trust company, foreign, as executor or trustee, 223.12
Unclaimed shares or legacies, disposition, 863.39
Vacancies, how filled, 857.21
Valuation in distribution of assets, 863.19
Will proved after letters issued, effect, 857.19
Wills, delivery to court, 856.05
  Notice of possession by court, 856.03
Additional as required, 862.01
Chargeable with what, 862.05
Claims, creditors without notice, 859.48
  Immunity of personal representative, 857.31
  Paid but not filed, 859.47
Compensation and expenses, 857.05
Copy to be given to persons interested, 862.11
Costs, allowances, 857.07
  Order to appear, 857.11
  Probate contests, 879.37
Deceased personal representatives, 862.03 (2)
Evidence in action, 777.26
Examination of personal representative, under oath, 862.15
Failure to file, 862.17
Hearing on settlement, 862.09
Incompetent personal representatives, 862.03 (1)
Interest for life of another, when deemed asset, 700.06
Notice of hearing on settlement, waiver, 862.09
Objections, 862.13
Receipts to be filed, 863.41, 865.21
Removed personal representatives, 862.03 (3)
Settlement, 862.15
Value at which to account, 862.07
What accounts to contain, 862.07
When necessary, 862.01
personal representatives 3. sale,3. Sale, Mortgage or Lease of Lands
Bulk transfer law, 406.103
Decedent's contracts, enforcement, warranties, 860.09
Lessee, court approval necessary for personal representative, 860.13
Mortgagee, court approval necessary for personal representative, 860.13
Platting land ordered, 857.29
Power of personal representative, 860.01
Purchase of property from estate, 860.13
Specific performance of decedent's contracts, 860.09
Who not to be purchaser, mortgagee or lessee without court approval, 860.13
Will provisions, restriction on personal representative's power, effect, 860.11
PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES 4. Special4. Special Administrator
Accounting, 867.21
Appointment, grounds for, 867.07
  Notice of hearing on petition, 867.11
  When, 879.57
  Who may petition for, 867.09
Augmented marital property estate, procedure for electing, 861.11
Bond, 867.13
Compensation, 867.19
Inheritance tax, determination, 72.31
Letters, nonappealable order, 867.15
No appeal from appointment, 867.15
Notice of appointment, 867.11
Powers, duties and liabilities, 867.17
Termination of authority, discharge, 867.21