Contest, how initiated, procedure, 859.33
Contingent, liability of distributees, 859.23
  Presentation, payment, 859.21
Continuance of separate action, 859.03
Creditor's action, property not inventoried, 859.40
Creditor's title to property sold, mortgaged or leased passes free of claims, 860.05
Creditors without notice, 859.48
Debt, payment by personal representative, 859.43 (2)
Deceased spouse, last illness and funeral expense, 859.49
Delay of payment when funds are insufficient, 859.39
Demands not due, 859.17
Encumbered assets, payment of debt, 859.43
Execution prohibited, 859.27
Failure of administration, transfer to proper court, 859.09
Filing, time, 859.01
Form, requirements, 859.13
Fraudulent conveyance by decedent, recovery, 859.41
Funeral expense of deceased spouse, 859.49
Future claims, 859.17
Garnishment prohibited, 859.27
Guardian ad litem, information to be furnished to, 859.29
Guardian, information to be furnished to, 859.29
Hearing, adjournment, 859.35
  If filed one year, 859.35
Information to persons interested, 859.29
Insolvent estate, delay payment, 859.39
Judgment, 859.37
  In separate action, 859.03
  To be prompt, 859.35
Judgment against executor, 777.06 (1)
Last illness and funeral expense of deceased spouse, 859.49
Levies prohibited, 859.27
Lien, payment by personal representative, 859.43 (2)
Limitation of actions, 893.93 (1) (c)
Limitation on, 859.02
Marital obligation, contest, 859.33
Mortgage, payment by personal representative, 859.43 (2)
Not due, allowance, payment, 859.17
Notice, allowance of unfiled claims, 859.47
Notice of time for presenting, publication, 859.07
Offset allowed, procedure, 859.33
Offset, in actions, 777.06 (1)
Order of payment, 859.25
Payment, delay when funds are insufficient, 859.39
  Preferences, 859.25
  Unfiled claims, 859.47
Personal jurisdiction, grounds, 801.05 (12)
Personal representative, 859.33
Persons interested, to receive information, 859.29
Pledge, payment by personal representative, 859.43 (2)
Priority of payment, 859.25
Procedure on contest, 859.33
Sale, creditor's action for, 859.40
Secured creditors, property sold, mortgaged or leased by personal representative passes subject to, 860.05
  Rights not affected, 859.43
Secured, payment, 859.19
Security agreements, payment by personal representative, 859.43 (2)
Spouse's death, last illness and funeral expense, 859.49
  Satisfaction of obligations, 859.18
Spouse's estate, describe classification applicable to claim, 859.13 (1)
Statute of limitations, effect, 859.15
Tax, personalty, collection, 70.22 (2)
Time to file, 859.01
Tort, 859.45
Transfer, when administration fails, 859.09
Unemployment compensation, preference, 108.23
Unfiled claims paid in good faith, 859.47
Verification, 859.13
PROBATE 8. Sale, Mortgage and Lease of8. Sale, Mortgage and Lease of Property
, Ch. 860
Contract of decedent to sell or lease, enforcement, warranties, 860.09
Court may order sale, mortgage or lease contrary to will's limitations, 860.11 (4)
Creditor's claims, title passes free of, 860.05
Decedent's contract to sell or lease, enforcement, warranties, 860.09
Free of creditor's claims, 860.05
Inheritance tax lien on property sold, liens transferred to proceeds, 72.25 (2)
Personal representative, not to be purchaser, mortgagee or lessee without court approval, 860.13
  Powers, 860.01
Power of personal representative, without notice, hearing or court order, 860.01
Specific performance of decedent's contract, 860.09
Transfer agent, liability, 860.01
Warranties, decedent's contract, 860.09
  Personal representative has no power to give, exception, 860.07
Who not to be purchaser, mortgagee or lessee without court approval, 860.13
Will provisions, restriction on personal representative's power, effect, 860.11
PROBATE 9. Family Rights9. Family Rights
, Ch. 861
Advance, allowance may be charged as, 861.31 (4)
Allowance for spouse and minor children, 861.35
Allowance to family during administration, 861.31
Assignment of property to surviving spouse, exemption from creditors, 861.41