Academic excellence higher education scholarships, 39.41
Alcohol and drug abuse council, membership, 14.017 (2)
Alcohol and drug abuse prevention plan, 115.28 (16), 115.361, 140.84
American Indian language and culture education, duties regarding state aid, 115.75 (1) (b)
  Establish standards for teachers, etc., 115.28 (17)
Annual report to legislature on health problems education program, 115.35 (5)
Appeals, expulsion of pupil, 120.13 (1) (c)
Attachment upon failure to operate school, notification, 117.30
Bilingual-bicultural education, establish rules, 115.28 (15)
  Report to legislature, 115.996
  State aids, certify, 115.995
Blind, council on education of, membership, terms, 15.377 (1)
Blind and deaf:
  Powers of state superintendent, 115.53
  Schools, govern, 115.52
  Summer sessions, 115.52 (5)
Children at risk, reports, rules, 118.153
Children with exceptional educational needs, appeals, 115.81 (7)
  Issue state plan for, contents, 115.78
  Multidisciplinary team, determine method of appointment, 115.80 (3)
  Noncomplying school district, remedies, 115.89
  Special programs, establish requirements, 115.83 (5)
Common school fund, control and distribution, 43.70
Consult with council on education of the blind, 115.37
Cooperative educational service agencies, agency administrator, appointment, 116.04
  Supervise, 115.28 (3m)
Depositions concerning institutions, 887.23
Deputy superintendent, 15.04 (2), (3)
  Salary, 20.923 (8)
Dropouts, reports, rules, 118.153
Duties, 115.28
  Re libraries, 43.03
Early identification program, establish, 115.44
Educational assessment program, develop, 115.28 (10)
Educational program review, 115.28 (12)
Education compact commission delegation member, 39.76
Election and term of office, X, 1; 8.25 (4)
Election, spring election ballot, 5.60 (1)
Employes, auxiliary instructional for school districts, 115.29 (3)
  Health examinations, 118.25 (6)
Exceptional education council, appoint members, 15.377 (4)
  Consult with, 115.79
Federal aids, accept, 115.28 (9)
First grade, admission, prescribed procedures, 115.28 (8)
Gifted and talented pupils, programs for, 118.35
Grants for science, mathematics and technology education, 115.392
Handicapped children's education board, violations, 115.86 (11)
Handicapped pupils, transfer, federal aid, 115.28 (19)
Health problems education program, 115.35 (2)
  Establishment, 115.35
Higher educational aids board, member, 15.67
High schools:
  Admission, determine standards, 118.145 (1)
  Graduation equivalency, declare, 115.29 (4)
  Graduation standards, duties, 118.33
Indo-Chinese refugee community and school program, 115.28 (25)
Inspection of school buildings, 115.33
Instructional telecommunications, council on; membership, terms, 15.377 (3)
Janesville city park, permit use of grounds of state school for visually handicapped, 115.58
Japanese language and culture grants, 115.395
Kindergarten, admission, prescribed procedures, 115.28 (8)
Learning assistance program, 115.363
Library and network development council, attend meetings, 43.07
Licensing and certification of persons employed by special education programs, 115.28 (7)
Licensing and certification of school and public library personnel, 20.255 (1), 115.28 (7) (d)
Licensing and certification of teachers, 115.28 (7)
Meetings, attendance, 115.29 (2)
Milwaukee public schools grant programs, council for, 115.28 (20)
Milwaukee special schools, approve instruction and transportation, 119.28 (5)
Minority group pupil census, establish procedures, 115.28 (14)
Minority group pupil scholarships, 115.43
Oath of office, 19.10
Placement disputes for children with exceptional educational needs, resolve, 115.85 (2m)
Placement in programs outside state of children with exceptional educational needs, 115.85 (2)
Powers, 115.29
Preschool to grade 5 program grants, duties, 115.45
Private schools, determination, 118.165, 118.167
Pupil discrimination, policies, complaints, determination, appeals, 118.13
Pupil membership audits, 115.28 (18)
Pupil minimum competency, testing program, 118.30
Reports of service to handicapped children, 115.781
Report to governor and legislature on health problems education program, 115.35 (5)
Rules, cooperative educational service agencies, 115.28 (3m)
Salary of superintendent, 20.923 (2) (f)
School age parents program, 115.91 to 115.93
School buildings, inspection, order to repair, 115.33
School district boundary appeal board,
School districts:
  Noncompliance with standards, hearing held, 121.02 (3)