Accounts, uniform system of, report to commission, 196.06
Acid deposition activities, assessment for, 196.856
Acquisition by municipality, 66.065, 197.01 to 197.09
Action concerning real estate, exception to limitation statute, 893.33 (5)
Additions, compliance with commission orders, 196.49 (2)
  Projects, submitting to commission, 196.49 (3)
Advance planning of facilities, 196.491
Advertising practices, 196.595
Affiliated interests, commission jurisdiction, 196.52 (5)
  Contracts with, commission approval, exception, 196.52 (3)
  Definition, 196.52 (1)
Agent, authority to enter premises to read meters, 196.171 (2)
Alteration costs, payment by subdividers required re plat approval, 236.13 (2) (c)
Anti-trust laws not applicable, 133.07 (2)
Appliances, secure accuracy, 196.16
Appraisal of municipally owned, expenses, 196.855
Assessment by revenue department, 76.01
Assessments against for commission expenses, 196.85
Assessments, redetermination by Dane county circuit court, 76.08
Auditing and inspection, 196.08
Back billing, limiting, 196.635
Balance sheet, filing annually, 196.07
Books, inspection by commission, 196.02 (5)
  Keeping as prescribed by commission, 196.06 (3)
  Located in state, 196.06 (6)
  Out-of-state, subpoena to examine, 196.02 (6)
Borrowing money, issue mortgage or trust deed, 182.025
Candidates may not accept special privileges from, 11.40
Certificate of authority, 196.49
Certificate of necessity, 196.50
Charges, reduced not permitted in exchange for facilities, 196.61
Citizens utility board act,
City of first class may acquire, 197.10
City attorney, not to employ, 196.675
Classification of service, 196.02 (2)
Collective bargaining, 111.52
Complaint against, notice, hearing, order, 196.26
Complaint by, may file with commission, 196.30
Conciliation and arbitration of disputes, 111.52 to 111.60
  For dam over navigable water, 196.91
  Limitations, 32.03
  Powers, 32.02
  Procedure, 32.075
Consolidation, 196.80
Construction, accounts, 196.10
Contracts with affiliated interests, commission approval, exception, 196.52 (3)
Contracts with cities and villages for services, 66.061 (2)
Corporate take-over law, application, 552.23 (1)
Court review of commission orders, 196.41
Criminal damage to, penalty, 943.01
Curative act, prior permits and franchises, 196.51
Customer liability for treble damages, 196.642
Damages against for violations of ch. 196 or 197, 196.64
Damage to transmission facilities, prevention of unsafe excavations or demolition operations, 182.0175
Definitions, 66.06 (1), 196.01
Depositions, commission may take, 196.33
Depreciation rate, 196.09
Directors, management of business, penalty against delegating powers, 182.0135
Disconnection of utility service, notice required, 46.94
Discrimination, in rates forbidden, 196.22
  Penalty, 196.60, 196.604
Dissolution, how effected, 196.78
Distribution of utility taxes, 79.04
Dividends, restriction upon payment, 196.09 (6)
Division of municipality, 66.03
Drainage district crossings, 88.67
Easements, state-owned lands, 24.40
Electric lines,
Electric utilities,
Entry on premises by commission, 196.18
Express companies,
Facilities granted other utilities, 196.04
Failure to serve, damages, 182.019
Federal financing, 196.50 (6)
First class cities, 66.071
Foreign corporations, borrowing money, 182.025 (2), (3)
Foreign corporations not to have franchise, 196.53
Forfeiture of franchise for failure to pay taxes, 76.14
Forfeiture provisions generally, 196.66
Franks or privileges, 946.11
Gambling information, transmitting illegally, to cease service, 945.06
Great Lakes, beds, use of, 30.21
  Withdrawal of water by municipalities, 30.21 (1)
Holding companies:
  Business information, protection of, 196.795 (9)
  Capital impairment, 196.795 (4)