Motor vehicle rustproofing warranties, enforcement, 100.205 (7), (8)
Motor vehicles, dealers, salesmen, finance companies; commencement of action, 218.01 (8m)
Municipal interstate contracts, approve, 66.30 (5)
Municipal obligations, examine and certify, 67.025
Municipal ordinance unconstitutionality alleged, right to be served and heard, 806.04 (11)
Narcotics and dangerous drugs division, 15.253 (4)
Narcotics, law enforcement, 165.70
Natural areas heritage dedications, enforcement, 23.29 (23)
Natural resources department, designate attorney for, 27.01 (12)
  Legal adviser, 144.09
Notice of release of genetically engineered organisms into environment, enforcement, 146.60
Nuisances, public, actions to enjoin, 823.02
Oath of office, 19.10
Obscenity cases, review, 165.25 (3m)
Office in capitol, 16.835
Official bonds, enforcement, 19.015
Oil inspection law, action to enforce, 168.17
Open meetings law, enforcement, 19.97
  Interpretation, 19.98
Operating notes, suits against state, service, 18.76 (2)
Opinions, briefs, printing, 35.28
  Distribution, 35.84
  Give to legislature and departments, 165.015 (1)
  Printing, 35.29 (2)
Partition, appear for state, 842.03
  Certify state's share of costs, 842.03
Pen register or trap and trace device, 968.35, 968.36
Prepaid maintenance liens, duties in regard to, 779.93
Price discrimination to destroy competition, actions for civil forfeiture, 133.04 (3)
Printing, briefs in state cases, 165.26
Protect state interests on governor's order, 14.11 (1)
Public debt, action to recover, 18.13 (2)
Public intervenor, 18.13 (4), 165.07, 165.075
  Advisory committee on environmental protection, 165.076
Public records, forfeitures, enforcement, 19.37 (4)
  Interpretation of access law, 19.39
  Mandamus action to order release, 19.37 (1)
Public utility law, enforcement, 196.44 (2)
Quo warranto instituted by, 784.04
Racing and pari-mutuel wagering, enforcement authority, 562.125
Radiation protection, enforcement of act, 140.58 (4)
Radioactive waste technical council, member, 15.917 (3)
Railroad regulation, prosecute violations, 195.07 (2)
Real estate broker or salesperson, review proceedings, represent board, 452.14 (5)
Record of actions, keep, 165.25 (7)
Report to legislature, 165.015 (5)
Represent state, 165.25 (1)
Research and information services director, appointment, 165.055 (3)
  Salary, 20.923 (6) (dm)
Residency qualifications of state and local officials, duties, 8.28
Revenue dept., represent, 73.03 (22)
Satisfaction of lien or obligation, 14.12
Savings and loan associations:
  Action against state, 215.02 (5)
  Officers' and employes' bonds, 215.11 (7)
  Revocation of certificate of incorporation or license, 215.02 (8)
  Revoking certificate, 215.03 (4)
Search for public records, copies, 19.25
Secret rebates, actions for civil forfeiture, 133.05
Securities law, enforcement, 551.57, 551.58
Self-service storage facilities, duties of dept., 704.90 (11)
Service on, action against state, 801.11 (3)
Slot machine law enforcement, 945.041
Solid waste laws, enforcement, 159.91
Solid waste management, use of confidential records, 144.433 (2)
Special prosecutor cost reimbursement, 165.95
State actions, represent, 165.25 (1)
State employe, action against, not acting in course of duties or not cooperative in defense, 895.46 (1)
  Claim against, notice, 893.82
State fire marshal, designate, 165.51
State loan collection, duty, 24.74
State printing, contract, action for breach, 35.59
State witnesses, attorney for, 165.25 (6m)
State witness fees, certify, 885.07
Statute unconstitutionality alleged, action to enforce statute in state court, 227.60
  Right to be served and heard, 806.04 (11)
Strikebreakers, illegal recruitment, prosecute, 103.545 (6)
Taxes, action in other state to collect, 757.47
Tax exemption committee, representative, 13.52 (1) (b)
Teachers, discrimination, aid superintendent of public instruction in hearing, 118.20
Term of office, VI, 1
Time-share ownership, injunction, 707.57 (2)
Tobacco products tax violations, prosecutions, 139.86
Trade regulations, violations, commence action, 100.26 (6)
Trust funds, protect, 165.015 (2)
Trust lands and investments division, 15.253 (3)
Unclaimed property, enforcement of law, 177.32
Unemployment compensation cases, 108.09 (7), 108.14 (3m)