Charges for legal services furnished veterans' affairs dept., 45.35 (14) (d)
Charitable and penal institutions, law enforcement, 46.16 (7)
Charitable organizations, regulation of collections, enforcement, 440.41
Charitable trusts, enforcement, 701.10 (3) (a)
Children with exceptional educational needs, noncomplying school district, proceed against, 115.89
Cigarette tax law violations, prosecutions, 139.45
Commissioner of public lands, X, 7
Communicable diseases, violations, assist district attorney, 143.04
Communications, application for court order to intercept, approve request, 968.28
Compromise, discontinue action, 165.08
Condemnation, prosecutions, 32.26
Constitutional amendment, election notice forms, 10.01 (2) (c)
Contempts, complaint, issuance, 785.03 (1)
  Revenue department and appeals commission witnesses, prosecute, 73.04
Contracts, prosecute breaches, 165.25 (2)
Controlled substances, duties, cooperation with other agencies, 161.54
Controlled substances hotlines and rewards, 165.72
  Action for fees due state, 185.84
  Action for involuntary dissolution, 185.72
  Liquidation, 185.73
Corporate charter, action to annul, 776.35 to 776.37
  Costs in action to annul, 776.43
Corporate take-over law, violations, institute criminal proceedings, 552.19 (2)
Corporation, examination, 182.220
Corporation counsel, advice to, 59.07 (44)
Corporations restraining trade, cancellation of charters, 133.12
  Injunctions against, 133.16
  Interrogatories, 133.13
  Prosecutions, 133.17
Costs, claims re work injury supplemental benefit fund, 102.64 (2)
Crane games, seizure and sale, 440.85 (4)
Creation, 15.25
Credit union, revoke charter, 186.26
Crime laboratories,
Crime, statewide, duty of investigation and control, 165.70
Crime victims and witnesses, duties re rights and services, 950.06
Crime victims compensation,
  Administration of law, 949.02
  Agency cooperation, request, 949.13
  Appropriation, 20.455 (5)
  Awards, make, 949.06
  Manner of payment, 949.07
  Emergency awards, order, 949.10
  Escrow accounts, 949.165
  Inquiry at pretrial conferences, 803.03 (2) (c)
  Privilege in proceedings, 905.14Program director, appointment
  Salary, 20.923 (4) (a) 3
  Unclassified, 230.08 (2) (w)
  Restitution, 973.20 (9) (b)
  Subpoenas, department may issue for persons or records, 949.115
  Subrogation, 949.15 (1)
  Violations by claimants, bring action, 949.17 (4)
Crime victims council, appointment, 15.257 (2)
Criminal history search fee, 165.82
Criminal identification, records and statistics, 165.83, 165.84
Dairy products, investigate trade barriers, 165.09
Deputy, 15.04 (2), (3)
  Appointment, bond, oath, duties, 165.055
District attorneys, advise, 165.25 (3)
Divisions, 15.253
Documents subject to subpoena, destruction, 946.60
Drug abuse, law enforcement, 165.70
Drug advertising, fraudulent, 100.182, 100.26 (4)
Drug law enforcement grants, 165.97
Drugs, prescription, rule-making authority, 450.11 (8)
  Seek injunction to regulate dangerous, 161.11 (6) (b)
Duties, 165.015, 165.25
  As prescribed by law, VI, 3
Election, VI, 1
Election and term of office, 8.25 (4)
Election laws, action to compel compliance, 5.07
Elector, petition for enforcement of election laws, 5.08
  Petition for enforcement of federal voting rights act, 5.081
Electric utilities constructing bulk generating facilities, advance plan, file, 196.491 (2) (b)
Emergency protective placement, officer training, 165.86 (2)
Employe trust funds dept., duty regarding, 40.03 (3)
Employment relations law, duties, 111.12
Escheats, duties, 24.03
  Notice of, 879.03 (2) (c)
Evidence privileged, law enforcement services, 165.79
Executive assistant, 15.05 (3), (5)
Ex parte restraining order, enforcement of statute, notice of, 813.025
Extradition agreements with Indian tribes, 976.07
Fair housing law, enforce, 101.22 (7)
Farmland preservation agreement, enjoin for use change, 91.21 (1)
Fees, keep statement, 165.015 (4)
Firearms background information hotlines, 165.825