Of judicial sale, presumption, 891.07
  Of land office, presumption, 891.14
  Of secretary of state, presumption, 891.16
Contracts to transfer, covendors in, 700.21
Contribution on execution sale, 815.59, 815.61
Conveyances, recording titles, Ch. 706
Coordinate system in Wisconsin, adoption, 236.18
Corporation dissolved, title to stockholders, 182.104
Damages, action for injury to property, limitation, 893.52
Decedent's contract to sell, enforcement, warranties, 860.09
Declaration of interest,
Deer hunter's special permits, 29.107
Defective improvements, limitation for actions, 893.89
Defined, 990.01 (35)
Definition of interest in, 840.01
Descent, determination, 867.05
  Certified survey map, 236.34 (3)
  Lots in recorded plats, 236.28
  Sufficiency for taxation purposes, 70.25
Easements, by prescription, limited, 893.28
  Highway discontinuance, preserved, 80.32
Encumbered, transfer, removal, damage, 943.25, 943.26
Entry by metropolitan sewerage district commission for tests, special entry warrant, 66.894 (11)
Entry upon for U.S. survey, damages, 1.06
Eviction actions, Ch. 799
Excavations, rights and duties of adjoining landowners, 101.111
Excluded from highway, proceedings for road out, 80.13, 80.14
Execution, purchaser, remedy on eviction, 815.57, 815.58
  Sale in parcels, 815.33
Federal liens, 779.97
Fences between public and private lands, 90.035
Foreign wills, probate, 868.01
Fraternal orders, 188.02
Fraudulent advertising and representations, 100.18
Heirship proceedings, 867.05
Housing, discrimination, municipal ordinances prohibiting, 66.432
  Equal rights, 101.22
Innocent purchaser, lis pendens, failure to file, 840.11
Insurance companies, exemption from limitation on holding for 5 years, 620.21 (2)
  Fraudulent transfers after petition for liquidation, 645.53 (1)
  Liquidation, perfection of transfers, 645.54 (2)
Interest, summary confirmation, 867.046 (2)
Interests in,
Intestate succession rules, 852.01 (1)
Judgment assigning estate, conclusiveness, 863.31
  Recording, 863.29
Judgment, enforced in other counties, 806.14
  Lien, priority, duration, 806.15
Land contracts, Ch. 708
Landfill official liability, 144.446
Land information program, 16.967
Lands defined, 243.03
Leases by guardian, 880.19
Liability of landowners, 350.19, 895.52
Lien, against for repair of fences, 90.11
Lienholder, junior, rights of, 779.98
  May contest tax, assessment or sale, 74.79
Limited partnership conveyances, 179.065
Lister, duties, 70.09
Manufacturing property, state assessment, 70.995
Marital property,
  Misuse, interspousal remedies, 706.095
Mortgages, Ch. 708
Municipal power districts, 198.12
Mutual savings bank, investments in regulated, 222.19
Natural areas; acquisition, inventory, dedication, 23.27 to 23.29
Notice of conveyance from record, 706.09
Notice of higher assessment, 70.365
Notice of sale upon execution, 815.31
Official deeds, presumption, 891.06
Owner's rights, in highways, 80.47
  Skyward, 114.03
Owner to report fire insurance when requested, 618.49 (2)
Partnership, acquisition, conveyance, 178.05
  Conveyance, 178.07
Personal representative has title, 857.01
Personal representative shall manage, 857.03
Political messages, placement on residential property, 12.04
Public nuisance, violation of municipal building code or health orders, 823.22
Quitclaim deeds, 706.10 (4)
Record of new instruments, destruction, remedy, 891.43 (12)
Recreational activities, limitation of owners' liability, 895.52
Redemption, discharge of liens, 815.64
  From execution sale, 815.39