Minor's right to, when neglected, 48.987
Municipal court clerks, 755.10
Municipal judge, VII, 14; 755.04
Municipal officers, combination with county supervisor, 66.192 (4)
  Increase during term, 66.196
Municipal salary schedules, automatic, 66.199
Payments, claims and collections:
  Actions and proceedings, 109.09
  Collection, 109.09
  Crimes, 109.11
  Death of employe, payment upon, 109.03 (3)
  Definitions, 109.01
  Discharged employes, payment to, 109.03 (2)
  Frequency of payments, exceptions, 109.03 (1)
  Pay orders, 109.03
  Penalties, 109.11
  Plant closings, payment to employes, 109.03 (4)
  Powers and duties of dept., 109.09
  Reciprocal agreements, 109.10
  Resigned employes, payment to, 109.03 (2)
  Statute of limitations, 109.09 (1), 893.44 (2)
  Wage claim, costs, 109.03 (5)
  When wages payable, 109.03
Preference, in receiverships, 813.17
Public construction contracts at less than full rate, penalties, 946.15
Public officers, extra compensation, IV, 26
  Salary of temporary successors, 20.925
  Unchanged during term, IV, 26
Public works contracts, wage scale, 66.293
State employes, 20.923, 230.12
  Adjustment, 20.865 (1), 20.928 (3)
  Deductions, 20.921
  Deferred compensation plan, 40.80 to 40.82
  Increases, 16.50 (3)
  Suit to restrain payment, 16.415 (3), 230.43 (5)
  Travel expense, advancement, 16.53 (1) (cm)
  U.S. bond purchases, 20.921
  When payable, garnishment, 16.53 (1) (d)
State officers, 20.923
State work, rate, 103.49
Street construction contracts, wage scale, 66.293 (1), (2)
Supreme court, clerk and deputy, 20.923
  Justices, VII, 10; 20.923 (3)
Time checks, where payable, 103.45
Tips and gratuities, minimum wage obligation, 104.045
Unclaimed, 177.15
Wage scale enforcement, public works contract, 66.293