Bylaws, 215.62
  Conversion from state to federal and vice versa, 215.77
  Directors, meetings, 215.70
  Dividends on capital stock, 215.67
  General operations, 215.72
  Incorporation, 215.60
  Minimum requirements, 215.60 (2)
  Name, use of, 215.60 (1)
  Officers, 215.71
  Operations, 215.72
  Resumption of business after liquidation, 215.76 (6)
  Voluntary liquidation, 215.76
Claims against, priority, 215.32 (6) (em)
Closing of savings accounts, 215.18
Complaints against, hearing, orders, 215.02 (15)
Computer crimes, penalties, 943.70
Consumer reporting agency, access to association records, 215.26 (8) (d)
Conversion, waiver, 215.35
Corporate take-over law, application, 552.23 (1)
Counsel, employment upon involuntary liquidation, 215.32 (3)
Customer list distribution, 215.26 (8) (f)
Deceased persons, savings accounts, 215.14 (9)
Definitions, 215.01
Depository accounts, exempt from execution, 815.18 (3) (k)
Directors, surety bonds, 215.11
Disclosure statements, 215.145
Discrimination in granting credit, 138.20
Dividends, liquidating, 215.32 (6) (f)
Earnings, on savings accounts, 215.16
Educational loans, 215.13 (38)
Escrow, unlawful receipt of payments to obtain loan for another, 943.62
Evidence of ownership of savings accounts, 215.15
Examinations, by commissioner, 215.03 (2), (4)
  Costs, 215.02 (16)
Expenses, liquidation proceedings, 215.32 (11)
False statement in application for loan, penalty, 215.21 (23)
Federal, conversion from investment association, 216.05
  Conversion into or from local, 215.57, 215.77
  Located in Wisconsin, 215.26 (7)
  Priority of mortgages, 706.11 (1)
Federal finance or credit corporation, 215.13 (24)
Federal savings and loan insurance corporation as liquidator, 215.32 (15)
Fees, annual, examination costs, 215.02 (16)
FHA insured investments, 219.01 to 219.03
Financially related service tie-ins, 215.141
Financial transaction card crimes, 943.41
Fiscal year audits, 215.25
Foreign, certificate of authority to do business, application, revocation, 215.33 (3)
  Designation of registered agent, 215.33 (5)
  Doing business in state, when, 215.33 (1)
  Examination by commissioner, 215.33 (4)
  Limitations on activities, 215.33 (2)
  Reciprocity, 215.33 (6)
Forfeiture for failing to keep prescribed books, 215.03 (5)
Funds, availability, 215.136
  Misuse, penalty, 215.12
Holding companies, 215.64
  Mutual, 215.59
Incorporation, mutual savings and loan association, 215.40
Insolvency, complaints, procedure, 215.02 (15)
In-state savings and loan, 215.36 (2)
In-state savings and loan holding company, 215.36 (3)
Insurance coverage of mortgaged premises, 215.21 (8)
Interstate acquisitions, 215.36
Investments, 215.205
  Assignment as security, 215.13 (29)
  Redevelopment authority bonds, 219.07
Involuntary liquidation, 215.32
Joint savings accounts, voting rights, 215.14 (7)

Legal holidays, transacting business, 215.26 (5)
Liquidation, involuntary, 215.32
Loans, 215.13, 215.205
  Agricultural production guarantee, 234.90
  Application, false statement, penalty, 215.21 (23)
  Consumer act, applicability, Ch. 428
  Discrimination in granting, 138.20
  Mortgage, 215.21
  Not conditioned on particular insurance, 134.10
  On savings accounts, 215.19
  Outside lending area, 215.21 (28)
  Participation, 215.21 (15)
  Property improvement, 215.20
  Residential mortgage, 138.052
  To officers and employes, 215.21 (17)
  Under federal acts, 215.21 (12)
  Unlawful receipt of payments to obtain loan for another, 943.62
  When due, 215.21 (25)
Location, changing, 215.03 (7)
Married persons, credit transactions with, 138.20 (1m), 766.56