Created, interest, X, 2
Escheats paid to, 852.01 (3)
Forfeitures, proceeds of property derived from crime, to be deposited, 973.075
How constituted, 24.76
Investment, land commissioners, X, 7, 8
Receipts from U. S. land sale, 14.13
Special laws forbidden, IV, 31
Unclaimed property, deposit of funds, 177.23 (1)
  Proceeds, 20.909
schools 12. high12. High
See also subhead 19. Union High

Admission, 118.145
Disbursement of funds, 66.042
Graduation equivalency, 115.29 (4)
Graduation standards, 118.33
Nonresident pupils, tuition payments by parents, 121.81
Precollege programs, 36.34 (3) (b)
Reorganization of district, tuition, 121.78 (2)
Vocational, technical and adult education, instructor occupational competency program, 20.255 (2) (e), 20.292 (1) (e), 38.32
Voter registration, 6.28 (2)
SCHOOLS 12a. Milwaukee Laws12a. Milwaukee Laws
, Ch. 119
See subhead 5a. Cities of First Class under this head

SCHOOLS 13. Operations13. Operations
Administrative personnel, discrimination in employment, 118.20
Admission, high school, 118.145
Adults, school privileges, 118.14
Age, minimum, kindergarten and first grade, 118.14
Agricultural courses, payment for teachers, 118.21 (3)
Alcohol beverages, possession on school grounds prohibited, 125.09 (2)
Alcohol or controlled substance consumption by pupils, liability for referral to police, 118.257
Assistant administrator, term of contract, 118.24 (1)
Attendance, compulsory, 118.15
  Enforcement, 118.16
  Policy, examinations, 118.16
Business manager, term of contract, 118.24 (1)
Children at risk, identification, program, 118.153
Claim against district, 118.26, 893.80
Community action agencies, appropriation to assist, 118.28
Competency tests (minimum) of pupils, 118.30
Compulsory school attendance, 115.82, 118.15
Computer science, instruction, 118.01 (2)
Conservation camps, 118.05
Corporal punishment, 118.31
Curriculum, educational goals and expectations, 118.01
Discrimination prohibited, 118.13
District administrator, term of contract, duties, 118.24
Dropouts, identification, program, 118.153
Drugs, administration to pupils, 118.29
Educational goals and expectations, 118.01
Emergency care, administration to pupils, 118.29
Energy emergency, how to be handled, 118.215
Fences around grounds, 118.11
Fire drills, requirement, report, 118.07 (2)
First aid kit required, 118.07 (1)
Flag of U. S., pledge of allegiance, 118.06 (2)
  To be displayed, 118.06 (1)
Foreign language, instruction, 118.017
Forfeitures, enforcement, 118.123
Gifted and talented pupils, programs for, 118.35
Gifts and grants, 118.27
Health examinations, employes and pupils, 118.25
Health treatment services to handicapped private school pupils, 118.255
High school graduation standards, 118.33
Homemaking courses, payment for teachers, 118.21 (3)
Human growth and development instruction, 118.019
Indigent children, report, 118.17
Physiology and hygiene, instruction, 118.01 (2)
Pledge of allegiance, 118.06 (2)
Pregnant girls, prohibiting school authorities from forcing withdrawal of, 118.15 (4m)
Principals, term of contract, 118.24 (1)
Private schools, criteria and determination, 118.165, 118.167
  Safety zones, 118.09 (4)
Privileged communications, exceptions, students using alcohol or drugs, 118.126
Protective behaviors programs, development, 115.368, 118.01 (2)
Pupil minimum competency tests, 118.30
Pupil records, confidentiality, maintenance, 118.125
Reading program, 118.015
Records and reports, neglect by teachers or officers, forfeiture, 118.123
Religious instruction, released time for, 118.155
Rural safety zones, 118.09
Safety patrols, 118.10
Safety requirements, 118.07
Safety zones, 118.09
Sale of goods and services at schools, 118.12
School zones, traffic signs, 118.08
Special observance days, 118.02
Strip search by school employe, 118.32, 948.50
Suicide, intervention, civil liability exemption, 118.295
  Prevention, 118.01 (2)
Summer classes, 118.04
Teachers, agricultural and homemaking courses, payment, 118.21 (3)