Bituminous coal, burning near prohibited, 16.844
Blind, business in, 47.03 (4) to (7)
Board, purpose, powers and duties, 16.83
Drives and roadways, 84.27
Guide book, 16.84 (9)
Location, 1.09
Madison police force powers, 16.84 (2)
Maintenance, 16.84
Offices in, 13.90 (3), 16.835
  Temporary relocation, 16.836
Parking regulations, 13.90 (1) (i), 16.843
Police, appointment, powers, 16.84 (2)
Restoration, exempt from low bid law, 16.855 (18)
View preservation, 16.842
state 4. contracts4. Contracts
Attachment of funds due contractors, 779.155
Bond by contractor, 779.14
Building commission to approve construction over $30,000, 13.48 (10)
Competitive bids, exceptions, 16.75
Construction projects, awarding to minority businesses, 16.855 (10m)
  Letting, preference, 16.855
  Release of funds, 16.855 (19)
  Use recycled material, 16.855 (10p)
Contents, continuing, 16.76
  Nondiscriminatory clause, 16.765
Engineering, approval by administration department, 16.87
Fuel, purchase, 16.91
Governor to approve, 16.87
Highways, hours, wages, 103.50
Labor law violators, prohibiting state purchase of products of, waivers, 16.75 (8)
Land purchase, approval, 20.914
Life cycle cost estimates to be considered, 16.75 (1m)
Master leases, 16.76 (4)
Mental health, developmental disabilities, alcoholism and drug abuse services; interstate contracts, 51.87
Milwaukee lakefront parking facility, 59.07 (143)
Minority business purchase contracts, 16.75
Municipal and state cooperation, 66.30
Nondiscriminatory clause, 16.765
Oil, re-refined preferred, 159.15
Printing, advertising for bids, 35.57
  Base prices and specifications, 35.56
  Stationery, officers not to have interest in, IV, 25
Prisoners, contracts with Minnesota for transfer and confinement, 301.21
Public works, how let, 66.29
Purchases, cooperative with municipalities, 16.73
  Vendor taxes set off of payments to vendors, 73.12
Services, 16.705
Wage rates, 103.49, 103.50
state 5. forests5. Forests
Acquisition, sale, easements, 28.02
American Legion, 28.035
Appropriation, permitted, VIII, 10
Arbor day observance, 28.06, 118.025
Campgrounds, reservation system, 27.01 (11)
Condemnation, 28.02 (2)
Cooperation, local, state, federal, 28.07
Cutting and sale of timber, 28.05
Defined, 28.02, 28.03
Easements, 28.02
Gifts, acceptance, 28.02 (2)
Income, conservation fund, 28.08
Lands bought by U.S., 1.056
Lease of lands, for recreational purposes, 23.305
  Rents to treasury, 26.08
Leases, 28.02
Names, 28.03
Natural resources department powers and duties, 28.01 to 28.08
Nurseries, 28.06
  Cooperation with municipalities, 28.21
Purpose, work plans, 28.04
Roads in, 84.28
Sale of lands and improvements, 28.02
Tax, 70.58
Timber sales, 28.05
Unsurveyed islands, 28.02 (6)
Agricultural college fund, 24.82
Agricultural production loan fund, 234.91
Audits by legislative audit bureau, 13.94
Badger fund,
see also Badger Board
  Control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (a)
  What constitutes, grants from, 25.28
Benevolent fund, 25.31
Budget stabilization fund, control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (ap)
  Creation, purpose, 25.60
  Reallocation, 16.465, 20.002 (11)
  Transfers, 20.875
Building trust fund,
Checks or share drafts, cancellation, reissue, 20.912