Arbor day observance, 28.06, 118.025
Campgrounds, reservation system, 27.01 (11)
Condemnation, 28.02 (2)
Cooperation, local, state, federal, 28.07
Cutting and sale of timber, 28.05
Defined, 28.02, 28.03
Easements, 28.02
Gifts, acceptance, 28.02 (2)
Income, conservation fund, 28.08
Lands bought by U.S., 1.056
Lease of lands, for recreational purposes, 23.305
  Rents to treasury, 26.08
Leases, 28.02
Names, 28.03
Natural resources department powers and duties, 28.01 to 28.08
Nurseries, 28.06
  Cooperation with municipalities, 28.21
Purpose, work plans, 28.04
Roads in, 84.28
Sale of lands and improvements, 28.02
Tax, 70.58
Timber sales, 28.05
Unsurveyed islands, 28.02 (6)
Agricultural college fund, 24.82
Agricultural production loan fund, 234.91
Audits by legislative audit bureau, 13.94
Badger fund,
see also Badger Board
  Control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (a)
  What constitutes, grants from, 25.28
Benevolent fund, 25.31
Budget stabilization fund, control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (ap)
  Creation, purpose, 25.60
  Reallocation, 16.465, 20.002 (11)
  Transfers, 20.875
Building trust fund,
Checks or share drafts, cancellation, reissue, 20.912
Children's trust fund, control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (av)
  Creation, 25.67
Clean water fund, establishment, 25.43
Collector or receiver, removal, 17.08
Conservation fund, 25.29, 28.08
  Credit, managed forest land, 77.89 (3)
  Snowmobile aids program, 20.370, 350.12
Deposit and receipt, 20.906
Deposit fund, 20.124 (1) (u), 20.865 (2)
Direct deposits, 20.906 (6)
Disbursed by check, 14.58
Elderly property tax deferral fund, 25.38
Environmental fund, control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (en)
  Establishment, 25.46
Escheats, 852.01 (3)
General fund, how constituted, 25.20
  Operating note proceeds, application of, 18.74
  Taxes of public utilities paid into; exceptions, 76.24
  Unclaimed property, deposit, 177.23 (2)
Historical society trust fund, 25.17 (1) (gp), 25.70
Housing and economic development authority surplus fund, 234.165
Housing authority reserve fund, 25.41
Industrial building construction loan fund, creation, purpose, 560.10
Industrial school for girls, 25.31
Interest on deposits, apportioned to, 14.58 (19)
Interest on, how paid and credited, 24.75
Investment, 24.61 to 24.72, 25.14, 25.17
  In this state, 25.17 (70), 560.08 (2) (m)
Local government pooled-investment fund, 25.50
Lottery fund, 25.17 (1) (jr), 25.75
Neglect of officers to deposit, state to withhold, 20.906
Normal school fund, 24.80
Operating note redemption fund, 18.74, 18.75
Operating notes, requests for, 16.405
Payment only on appropriation, VIII, 2
Payments to, how made, 20.905
Petroleum storage environmental cleanup fund, control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (ks)
  Establishment, 25.47
Public employe trust fund,
Public lands, sale of materials on, 26.07
Racing fund, 25.17 (1) (n), 25.80
Reserve for canceled drafts, 20.912 (2)
School fund, 24.76 to 24.78
  Escheats, 852.01 (3)
Securities deposited with state treasurer, 24.61 (2)
State building trust fund, 25.30
Student loans, 24.61
Swamp land grants, 24.79
Transfer of appropriation may be withheld, 16.53 (9)
Transportation fund, 25.40
  Motor transportation permit fees, 194.04 (6)
  Refund of motor fuel taxes, 78.69