Refund of motor fuel taxes, 78.69
University fund, 24.81
Veterans' mortgage loan repayment fund, 45.79 (7)
Veterans trust fund, 25.36
Waste management fund, 25.45
Wisconsin election campaign fund, 25.42
Worker's compensation:
  Death benefits for children, 102.49
  Refunds, 102.63
  Uninsured employers fund, 102.80
  Work injury supplemental benefit fund, 102.65
state 7. insurance7. Insurance
Blanket liability, 66.18
Funds, administration, 604.04
  Advisory organization membership, 604.04 (5)
  Bonds for manager and treasurer, 604.07
  Composition of, 604.03 (1)
  Continuation of, 604.02
  Expenses, 604.04 (3)
  Inspections, manager may obtain, 604.04 (7)
  Investment of, 604.05
  Liability for obligations of, 604.06 (2)
  Manager, 604.04 (1)
  Payment procedure for expenses, 604.04 (4)
  Personnel for administration, 604.04 (2)
  Reinsurance, 604.04 (6)
  Scope of law, 604.01
  State treasurer to have custody, 604.06
  To be held in trust, 604.03
Life fund, continuation of, 604.02 (1) (b)
  Medical examinations, 607.07 (1)
  Monetary limits on policies, 607.02
  Payments from, 607.21
  Policy loans, 607.22
  Solicitation, restricted, 607.04
  Subject to laws, 607.03
  Surplus distribution, 607.15
  Types of policies permitted, 607.02
  Underwriting approval, 607.07 (2)
Local government property fund, continuation of, 604.02 (1)
Officers and employes, hospital, life, health, 66.185
Application for, 24.66
Certificate of indebtedness, 24.67
Collection, 24.70, 24.71
Extension, 24.73
Municipality, territory transferred, certification, 66.03 (10), (10a)
Neglect to levy tax to pay interest, remedy, 24.74
Notification re companies receiving state loans, 101.28
Payment, 24.68
Purchase money due on state lands, 24.27
Purpose, limitation upon, 24.72
Sale of state trust fund loans, 24.69
School districts, collections from, 24.71
Student loans, 24.61
Trust funds, interest, paid and credited, 24.75
Trust moneys, to municipalities, 24.61 to 24.72
Veterans, economic assistance, 45.351
What prohibited, VIII, 3
state 9. officers and employes9. Officers and Employes
Abuse of inmates of institutions, falsely accused, payment of attorney's fees, 775.11
Action against, limited liability, 893.82 (6)
  Not acting in course of duties or not cooperative in defense, 895.46 (1)
  Venue, 801.50 (3)
Affirmative action,
Airplanes, personal or chartered, 20.916 (5)
Appointments, 20.922 (1)
Attorney general to defend, 165.25 (6)
Attorneys for revenue dept. may represent state, 73.03 (22)
Audits by legislative audit bureau, reports, 13.94
Automobile allowances, 20.916
Bond, breached, vacancy caused, 17.05
  Department head's power to require, 15.04
  Payment of premium, 19.01 (8)
Capitol parking, 16.843 (3)
Chairperson, removal by governor, 17.07 (3m)
Civil service,
Claims against, serve notice on attorney general, 893.82
Comparable worth, 230.01 (2), 230.09 (2) (b), (bp), 230.12 (1), (3)
Compensation, 230.12
Compensation and fringe benefits, supplementation procedure, 20.928
Cooperation, 20.901
Custodian, legal for records, 19.33
Custodian to deliver official records, 19.21
Damaged personal articles, employe reimbursement, 20.918, 230.12 (1) (dm)
Day care for children of state employes, 230.048
Deferred compensation plan, 40.80 to 40.82
Department heads, leave of absence, 230.35 (1m)