Notice of intention to cut timber, 77.06 (1)
Petition to designate such lands, 77.02
Purpose of act, 77.01
Rate of taxation, 77.04
Return to towns, 77.05
Revaluation, 77.06 (3)
Severance tax, 77.03
  Lien, 77.07 (1)
  On right to cut, 77.06 (5)
State contribution, 77.05
Supplemental severance tax, 77.08
Tax roll, 77.04
Termination of forest cropland program, 77.13
Village included, 77.015
Withdrawal of such lands, 77.10
Woodland tax, 77.16
  Termination of program, 77.16 (14)
taxation 15a. managed forest croplands15a. Managed Forest Croplands
Acreage share, taxation, 77.84 (2)
Additional parcels, 77.82 (4)
Closed areas, 77.83
  Payment, 77.84 (2)
Conservation fund credit, 77.89 (3)
Cutting regulated, bond, time limit, 77.86
Cutting yield tax, payment, owner's liability, delinquency, 77.87
Decision, 77.82 (7)
Definitions, 77.81
Delinquency, tax deed, land withdrawal, 77.84 (3)
Distribution of moneys received, 77.89
Eligibility requirements, 77.82 (1)
Expenses to administer program, 77.91 (4)
Forestry practices, 77.86
Forfeiture actions, procedure in, 77.905
Grazing restricted, 77.875
Hearing, 77.82 (6)
  Right to, 77.90
Investigation, by dept., 77.82 (6)
Management plan, 77.82 (3)
Nonrenewal, 77.88 (4)
Open and restricted areas, 77.83
Order, 77.82 (8)
  Duration, 77.82 (11)
  Effective date, 77.82 (9)
  For land in lower Wis. state riverway, 77.82 (11m)
  Renewal, 77.82 (12)
Owner, right to hearing, 77.90
Ownership, sale or transfer, 77.88 (2)
Petition, 77.82 (2)
  Additional parcels, 77.82 (4)
  Denial, 77.82 (10)
  Notice of, request for denial, 77.82 (5)
  Right to hearing, 77.90
Publication of information, 77.91 (2)
Purpose, 77.80
Recording, by register of deeds, 77.91 (5)
Rule making, stumpage value, 77.91 (1)
State contributions, 77.85
Study, dept. and University of Wis., 77.91 (3)
Stumpage value, determination on withdrawal, 77.88 (6)
  Rule making, 77.91 (1)
Supplemental tax, 77.87
Tax roll, 77.84 (1)
Withdrawal, applicable taxes, 77.88 (10)
  By dept. order, 77.88 (1)
  Determination of stumpage value, 77.88 (6)
  Liability for previous taxes, 77.88 (11)
  Order, 77.88 (9)
  Voluntary, 77.88 (3)
Withdrawal tax, exception, 77.88 (8)
  Payment, delinquency, 77.88 (5), (7)
Yield tax, 77.87
TAXATION 15b. Franchise Tax15b. Franchise Tax
See subhead 17. Income and Franchise Tax

TAXATION 16. Gift Tax16. Gift Tax
Chapter 72 is revised by 1987 Wis. Act 27, effective 1-1-92. The following ch. 72 indexing under this head is indexing that applies prior to 1-1-92. Ch. 72 effective 1-1-92 is printed, as revised in small print following ch. 72 in the statutes.

Adopted persons, status, 72.07
Agreement with person liable, department may enter, 72.79 (3)
Assessment of additional tax due, 72.86 (1)
Classification of donees, 72.80
Clear market value, 72.77
Collection, 72.86
Compounding, 72.86 (5)
Construction of law, 72.87 (2)
Definitions, 72.01
Delinquent, write off, 73.03 (27)
Duty to furnish information to department, 72.86 (3)
Enforcement, 72.86
  Justice department duty, 72.86 (5)
Exemptions, annual, 72.81
  General, 72.76
  Personal, 72.82