Enforcement, reciprocity, 757.47
Estate, duty of personal representative to pay, 857.03
Fire prevention in town, 26.13 (2)
Flood control, 87.10 (2)
Forestation state tax, 70.58
Hospitals, county-city, levy taxes, 66.47 (3), (9)
Hunting and fishing grounds, state aid to municipalities, 70.113
Insect pests, eradication, 94.02
Insurance written by unauthorized insurers, 618.43
Levy and limitation:
  County, 70.62
  State, 70.58
  Village, 61.46
Levy, Milwaukee, 65.07
Marital property,
Metropolitan transit authority, tax equivalent, 66.94 (5)
Mobile homes, real or personal property, 70.043
Municipalities, levy taxes to pay debts, XI, 3
  Pay temporary loans, 67.12 (12)
Nonresidents, delinquent taxes owed Wis., contracts to collect, allocations, 73.03 (28)
  Protected, II, 2
Nuisances, cost of abatement, 146.14
Omitted tax, procedure to correct, 70.62 (3)
Personal property, classification, VIII, 1
Plant disease eradication, 94.02
Private letter rulings, 73.035
Privilege in use of federal tax information, 905.15
Public improvement projects, tax incremental financing, 66.46
Rate limit, county trunk highways, 83.03 (2)
  Municipal bonds, 67.035
  Town highway improvements, 81.11
  Villages, 61.46
Real estate transfer fee, 77.21 to 77.30
  Register of deed's duties, 59.51 (2)
Review of tax appeals commission orders, 73.015
Room tax on hotelkeepers, motel operators; forfeiture, 66.75
  Benefit insurers, exemption, 616.10
  Board may vote, 120.12 (3), (4)
  Statement to municipal clerk, 120.17 (8)
  Support of, X, 4
  Milwaukee, 65.07, 119.46, 119.47, 119.48
  Recertification of school district equalized valuation, 120.17 (8) (bm)
  Union high and common, clerk's duties, 120.17 (8)
  How voted, 120.08 (2) (c), 120.10
  Vocational, 38.16
Set off of payments to vendors, 73.12, 84.012
Soldiers and sailors relief act, 45.53
Special laws forbidden, IV, 31
State debt, repaying, VIII, 6
State forest lands, state aid to municipalities, 70.113
State loans, neglect to levy tax to pay, 24.74
State tax, administration department to certify to counties, 70.60 (1)
  Annual levy, VIII, 5
  Apportionment, 70.60 (1)
  Forestation, 70.58
  Yea and nay vote, VIII, 8
Statistics, 69.63, 69.65
  Officers to collect and report, 69.60
  Statement by clerk, 69.61
Supervisor of equalization, appointment, 73.05 (2)
Taxation districts defined, 70.045
Tax exemption devices, summary of, 16.425
Tax incremental financing, in public improvement financing, 66.46
  Use for inland lake protection and rehabilitation prohibited, 33.18, 66.46 (14)
Tax returns, local officer's failure, penalty, 76.11 (2)
Tax statement, to revenue dept., 70.53
Total taxes in state, revenue department to determine, 76.11 (1)
Uniformity, exception, VIII, 1
Unlawful tax, charging back, 70.74 (2)
U.S. owned property, certain property taxed, 70.177
Vendors to state, set off of payments to, 73.12
Weed destruction, 66.98
Woodland tax, 77.16
  Termination of program, 77.16 (14)
taxation 2. assessment of property2. Assessment of Property
Action to set aside tax, payment a condition, 75.62
Agent or keeper of personalty, assessment procedure, 70.19
Agricultural land, valuation, 70.32 (1r), (2m), 70.57 (3)
All property taxed unless exempted, 70.01
Appeal, divided parcel, 70.323
Apportionment, county taxes, 70.63
  Divided parcel, 70.323
Assessment district defined, 70.08
Assessment freeze under condemnation conditions, 70.105
Assessment manual, 70.32 (1), 70.34
  Use, 70.75