Sufficiency, 70.25
Drainage district assessments, against county and municipal lands, 88.48
  Unpaid, entry, 88.42
Entry of property by assessor, 70.23
Examination, after return, 70.45
  Correction by clerks, 70.52
Expenses of resurvey, 59.63
Failure to furnish, county clerk's duty, 70.71
Fence repair charges on certificate, 90.11
Forest croplands, 77.04
Forms and blanks, 70.09 (3)
Lost or destroyed rolls, new roll, procedure, 70.56
Managed forest land, 77.84 (1)
Milwaukee, 70.51
Notice of opportunity to examine, 70.45
Notice of property omitted from assessment, 70.44 (3)
Omitted property, assessment, 76.09
  May be placed on, 70.44
  Held by agent or representative, 70.19
  How entered, 70.29
  Listing, 70.30
  To whom assessed, 70.18
Reassessments, by order of court, 75.54 (2)
  Presumptive evidence, 70.78
  Roll, where filed, 70.78
Return, and examination, 70.45
  By village assessor, 61.27
Sewer systems, joint, charges, 144.07 (2)
Tax added to pay judgment filed with clerk, 66.09
taxation 5. reassessments5. Reassessments
Appeal to tax appeals commission from revenue dept. valuation, 70.64
Appointees to make, neglect, forfeiture, 70.83
Assessment manuals, use, 70.75
Board of corrections or review, 70.76
  Affidavit to roll, 70.78
  Evidence, 70.76
  Hearing, 70.76
  Notice of meeting, 70.76
  Powers and duties, 70.77
Compensation and fees, 70.80
  Charge against municipality, 70.82
  Filing of claim, 70.81
  Review of claim files, 70.82
Corporate assessor, department may appoint, 70.75
Court may determine amount to be paid, 75.62
Court-ordered, 74.39
District attorney, duty, 70.79
How and when made, lien, 70.74
How made, court actions, 75.54 (5)
Inequalities corrected in subsequent year, 70.84
Judgment for excess, 75.62
Omitted property may be placed on roll, 70.44
Order on before work complete, 70.83
Petition for, 70.75
Property on which tax was refunded, lien, 75.25
Public utilities, 76.15 (1)
Repetitive petition, 70.75 (1m)
Review by revenue department, 70.75
Roll, presumptive evidence, 70.78
  Prima facie evidence, 75.54 (2)
Special assessments,
Special supervision instead of reassessment, 70.75 (3)
Stay of proceedings attacking tax, 75.54 (1)
Supervisor of equalization, powers and duties, 70.79
Tax roll as amended, affidavit attached, where filed, 70.78
Town board may employ help, 70.72
TAXATION 6. Delinquent Taxes6. Delinquent Taxes
Agreements between county and municipality or district, 75.365
Car line companies, interest for delinquency, 76.39 (4) (c)
Forest croplands, 77.04
  Severance tax, penalty, 77.07 (2)
Income and franchise tax,
Sale of lands, advertisement, 75.69
Uncollectible, written off, 73.03 (27)
Utilities, lien, 76.38 (13)
taxation 7. property tax collection and7. Property Tax Collection and Settlement
Adjustment due to error or excessive assessment, 74.33 to 74.42
Adverse possession, 75.144
  Defined, 75.31
see Notice, under this subhead
Allocation of partial tax payment, 74.11, 74.12, 74.49, 74.85, 75.01
see subheads 2. Assessment of Property and 5. Reassessment
August settlement, 74.29
Car line companies, interest for delinquency, 76.39 (4) (c)
  When due, 76.39 (3), (3a)
Charge back, personal property taxes, 74.42
  Refunded or rescinded taxes, 74.41