Proof owner was notified, 75.12
  Tax receipts furnished by, 74.19
County treasurer:
  Act as taxation district treasurer, 74.75
  Adverse possession notice given, 75.144
  Collect tax, 74.07
  Correct errors in tax roll, 74.43
  Delinquent taxes, accepted, 74.43
  Certified by, 74.45
  Instalments, 74.49
  Interest and penalties, 74.47
  Receipt for discharge of, 74.51
  Foreclosure of tax lien, file for, 75.521
  Notify former owner of sale of tax-deeded land, 75.35
  Receipt to taxation district treasurer, 74.71
  Redemption, funds distributed by, 75.05
  Notice given, 75.07, 75.09, 75.10, 75.12
  Receipt and tax certificate, 75.04
  Sale proceeds distributed, 75.36
  Settle with other taxing jurisdictions, 74.29
  Fail to settle timely, 74.31
  Tax certificate, cancel, certify cancellation, 75.20
  Description error, 74.61
  Discounted, 75.61
  Issued to county, 74.57
  Notify owner when issued, 74.59, 75.285
  Retained by, 74.63
  State-owned lands, 74.65
  Taxes paid to, 74.11, 74.12, 75.01
  Unpaid taxes accepted by, 74.43
  Waste committed, issue warrant to sheriff, 75.37
see Restrictions and covenants, under this subhead
see Penalties, under this subhead
see Tax deed, under this subhead
Definitions, 74.01, 75.001
Delinquent taxes,
see also Redemption under this subhead and subhead 6. Delinquent Taxes
  Accrue when county holds tax certificate, 75.32
  Agreement between county and taxing jurisdictions, 75.365
  Authorized city, 74.87
  Certificate of, 74.45
  County treasurer, accepted by, 74.43
  Discharge of, 74.51
  First class city agrees to pay, 74.83
  Foreclosure of tax certificate, 75.19
  Foreclosure of tax lien, 75.521
  Forest land, managed, 77.84 (3)
  Instalment payments, 74.49
  Interest and penalties, 74.47
  Liability, 74.53
  Personal property taxes, action to recover, 74.55
  Return and collection of, 74.43 to 74.55
  Special assessment, 66.54
  When become, 74.11, 74.12, 74.85
Depositories, public, 74.13
Description, action to bar former owner, 75.41
  Adverse possession notice, 75.144
  Error, corrected, 74.05
  Recorded certificate of tax deed cancellation, 75.23
  Redemption notice published, 75.07, 75.10
  Tax bill includes, 74.09
  Tax certificate, 74.57
  Correction, 74.61, 75.14
  Tax deed, corrected in circuit court action, 75.145
  Form, 75.16
  Tax roll, corrected, 74.43
  Sufficiency, 70.25
Dog license taxes, 174.065
Drainage assessments, 88.43
Escrow account, payment by, 74.21
Estimated fair market value of property, tax bill, 74.09
February settlement, 74.25, 74.30, 74.305, 77.89 (3)
Foreclosure of tax certificate, 75.19
  Adverse possession notice, 75.144
  Authorized city, defer taking dwelling, 75.195
  Minor or mentally incompetent, 75.03
  Validity, immaterial errors, 75.22
  Void by limitation, county treasurer cancels, 75.20
Foreclosure of tax lien, 75.521
  Adverse possession notice, 75.144
  Authorized city, defer taking dwelling, 75.521
  Minor or mentally incompetent, 75.03
Forest crop lands, 77.04
  Severance tax, 77.07 (2)
Forest lands, managed, delinquent taxes, 77.84 (3)
Guardian, minor or mentally incompetent appear by, 75.03, 75.19
Income and franchise tax,
see subhead 17. Income and Franchise Tax
Interest, bar former owner, action to, 75.42
  Delinquent taxes, 74.47
  Allocation, 74.49, 75.01