Tax-deed void if taxes paid without notice of deed, 75.26
  Unknown, barred by action, 75.50
Payment of taxes, 74.11 to 74.21
  Advance payment, 74.13
  Authorized city, 74.87
  Conveyance, grantor, grantee, 74.15
  Escrow account pays, 74.21
  Instalments, 74.11, 74.12, 74.13
  Delinquent, 74.49
  Settlement with other taxing jurisdictions, 74.30
  Lienholder pays, lien increases, 74.77
  Mailed, timeliness, 74.69, 75.002
  Populous county, 74.85
  Woodland tax law, 77.16 (6)
Penalties, delinquent taxes, 74.47
  Redemption, disposition of, 75.05
  Notice not published, 75.07
  Settlement not timely, 74.31
  Waste on lands subject to tax certificate, 75.375
Personal jurisdiction, grounds for, 801.05 (9)
Personal property taxes:
  Charge back, subsequent distributions, 74.42
  Defined as general property taxes, 74.01
  Delinquent, action to recover, 70.20, 74.55
  Owner without possession liable for, 70.20
  Payment in advance when business ceases, 74.13
  Payment in full only, 74.11, 74.12, 74.85
  Seller-buyer liability, 74.15
  Settlement of, 74.23 to 74.305
  Tax bill, 74.09
see Notice, under this subhead
Public utility taxes, 76.22
Reassessment, action to set aside tax certificate, 75.62
  Court-ordered, 74.39, 75.54, 75.55
Receipts, delinquent taxes discharged, 74.51
  Redemption, 75.04
  Tax, 74.19
  Tax certificate canceled, 75.61
  Treasurer pays county treasurer, 74.71
Redemption, 75.01
  Costs of notice included, 75.12
  Distribution of funds, 75.05
  Foreclosure of tax lien, 75.521
  Minor or mentally incompetent, 75.03
  Notice, mistake, period extended, 75.10, 75.14
  Posted, 75.09
  Printer compensated, 75.11
  Published, 75.07
  Receipt and tax certificate, 75.04
  Tax certificate, action to set aside, 75.64
Redemption period,
see Time, under this subhead
see Rescission or refund of taxes, under this subhead
Rental property, occupant or tenant recovers taxes paid, 74.73
Rescission or refund of taxes, 74.33
  Charge back, 74.41
Restrictions and covenants, tax deed subject to, 75.14
Revenue dept., charge back of refunded or rescinded taxes, 74.41
  Tax bill, 74.09
  Vacancy filled by appointment, 74.75
Sale of tax delinquent land, 75.69
Settlement with other taxing jurisdictions, 74.23 to 74.31, 77.89 (3), 79.10 (7m)
  County fails to settle, shares proceeds of sale, 75.36
Sheriff, waste committed, warrant issued, 75.37
Special assessment, 66.54
  Defined, 74.01, 75.36
  Defined as tax, 75.001
Special charge, defined, 74.01
  Defined as tax, 75.001
Special tax, defined, 74.01
  Defined as tax, 75.001
  Reassessed tax charged as, 75.25
State, land acquired by, ejectment, 75.63
  Land acquired by, tax certificate excluded, 74.57, 74.65
Statute of limitations,
see Time, under this subhead
Survey of property, adverse possession notice, 75.144
Swamp and overflowed lands, chapter applies to, 75.01
Tax, defined, 75.001
  General property, defined, 74.01
Taxation district:
  Action, delinquent personal property taxes, 74.55
  Defined, 74.01
  Excessive assessment, claim for, 74.37
  In populous county, pay tax in instalment, 74.85
  Settlement, 74.23, 74.305
  Instalment payments, authorized, 74.12
  Rescind or refund taxes, 74.33
  Special charge against, 75.61
  Tax certificate or deed invalid, refund charged to, 75.25
  Unlawful taxes recovered from, 74.35