Error corrected, 74.05, 74.43
  Retained by county treasurer, 74.63
  Returned to county treasurer, authorized city, 74.87
  Populous county, 74.85
  Tax bill information, 74.09
  Transferred to county treasurer, 74.25
  Transferred to district treasurer, 74.03
  Action on tax certificate, 75.61, 75.62
  Action to bar former owner, 75.39
  Answer, 75.42
  Costs paid, 75.43
  Action to recover land conveyed by tax deed, 75.26 to 75.30
  Charge back, personal property taxes, 74.42
  Delinquent personal property taxes, action brought, 74.55
  Excessive assessment, claim filed or action commenced, 74.37
  Foreclosure of tax certificate, 75.19
  Defer taking dwelling, 75.195
  Foreclosure of tax lien, 75.521
  Mailed payment, 74.69, 75.002
  Owner notified of payment, 74.21
  Payment of taxes, 74.11, 74.12, 74.13
  Authorized city, 74.87
  Populous county, 74.85
  Redemption period expires, tax deed issued, 75.14
  Redemption period, extended by mistake in notice, 75.10
  Minor or mentally incompetent, 75.03
  Notice given, 75.07, 75.12
  Shortened if razing costs incurred, 75.19
  Tax certificate, notice, 74.57, 74.59
  Sale of tax-deeded lands, 75.35
  Settlement, 74.23 to 74.31
  Sheriff's return of warrant for waste, 75.37
  Tax certificate, correct description error, 74.61
  Notice of issuance, 74.59
  Redemption period, 74.57
  Void, 75.20
  Tax certificate or deed, void, action or claim, 75.24
  Tax deed, application for, notice, 75.12
  Defer taking dwelling, 75.143
  Tax roll delivered, 74.03
  Unlawful tax, claim filed or action commenced, 74.35
Town or village,
see Taxation district and Taxing jurisdiction, under this subhead
Unlawful taxes, claim or action to recover, 74.35
  Reassessment ordered by court, 74.39
Waste, penalty, 75.375
  Warrant to sheriff, 75.37
Agent holding personalty and chargeable with tax, 70.19
Estate tax, release or transfer, 72.62
Federal, filing, 779.97
Foreclosure, action in rem, 75.521
Forest croplands, severance tax, 77.07 (1)
Holder may bring action to test tax, 74.79
Income and franchise tax,
Inheritance tax, property sold from estate, lien on proceeds, 72.25
  Release or transfer, 72.25
Junior acquiring senior, 779.98
Lienholder paying taxes, 74.77, 74.79
Payment, by lienholder of prior liens, 779.98
Personal property, held by agent to whom tax was charged, 70.19
Public utility taxes, 76.13 (2), 76.22
Real estate taxes, 70.01
Reassessed tax, 70.74, 75.25
Taxes paid by lienholder, 74.77, 74.79
U.S. internal revenue, 779.97
Utility license fees, 76.38 (13)
taxation 13. beverage taxes13. Beverage Taxes
Action to recover tax paid, 139.12
Administration, 139.08 (1)
Assessment, departmental right, 139.092
  Right to appeal, 139.094
Beer, definitions, 139.01
  Payment, bonds, 139.05
  Presumption from possession, 139.18 (1)
  Shipments, reciprocity, 139.05 (7)
  Tax credit to eligible producers, 139.02 (2)
  Tax imposed, rate, 139.02
Collection not to be restrained, 139.12
Compulsory testimony, immunity, 139.20
Confidentiality of returns, 139.11 (4)
Exceptions, 139.06
Exclusions, 139.04
Exemption from tax, 139.03 (5)
Homemade wine, untaxed, 139.04 (1)
Industrial permittees, untaxed, 139.04 (7m)
Inspection of records, premises, 139.08 (4)
License, forfeit upon conviction of tax evasion, 139.25 (10)
Liquor, assessment and collection of additional taxes, 139.03 (4)