Seaplanes, proposed ordinances, 30.78 (1r)
Secretary, facsimile signature on legal instruments, 110.015
  Powers and duties regarding aeronautics, 114.31
Ultralight aircraft, identification numbers, display, 114.195
Unairworthy aircraft, 114.20 (5)
Use of department planes to transport state employes or property, 114.316
Acceleration program, bonding limitation, 84.42
  Federal aid, securing, 84.41 (7)
  Leases with nonprofit corporations, 84.40
Annual adjustments in jurisdictional mileage, 86.302 (4)
Bicycles, uniform system of traffic regulation, 84.02 (4) (f)
Bikeways, establishment, 84.60
  Planning, promotion and development of, 85.023
Billboards on highways, regulation, 84.30
Bridges, allotments, 84.10
  Cooperative agreements with other states, 84.01 (26)
  Inspection and inventory, 84.17
  Interstate toll facilities, construction, 84.12 (9)
  Intrastate and interstate, construction, 84.12
  Jurisdictional transfers, 84.16
  Local and interstate, construction, 84.52
  Local, construction, 84.11
  Projects, selection and evaluation of, 85.025
  Water pollution in connection with maintenance, exemption, interdepartmental coordination, 30.12 (4)
Condemnation for highways, grade change, 32.18
Connecting highways, aids payments, 86.32
  Population estimates for determining aids, 86.33
Construction site erosion control and storm water management, standards, 144.266 (3)
Contracts, awarding to minority businesses, 84.075
  Disadvantaged business demonstration and training program, 84.076
  For materials, 84.06 (8)
  Hours and wages, 103.50
  Secretary or designees to sign, 84.011
Controlled-access highways, vacation, notice, 84.25 (13)
Cost accounting system, counties, 83.015 (3)
Cost determinations of construction and maintenance, 86.303
County aid highway system, 83.02
County aid, notice to county clerk, 84.01 (16)
County forest road aids, 86.315
Design standards for county trunk, establish, 84.01 (9)
Detours, damage caused by, repair, maintain, 84.20
Development projects, dept. to conduct study, 84.06 (10)
Directional signs for city or village, erect, 86.19 (6)
Employment transit assistance program, 85.26
Encroachments, removal, 86.04
Engineering services, 84.01 (13)
Expressway plans:
  Federal aid agreements, 59.965 (7)
  Hearing, recommendations, 59.965 (2)
  State aid agreements, 59.965 (8)
Expressways, order condemnation by county board, 84.09 (7)
  State trunk highway, development, 84.295
Federal aid systems, duties, 84.01 (15)
Fire calls, payment to cities, 62.13 (8)
  Payment to towns, 60.557
  Payment to villages, 61.65 (8)
Flood damage aids, 86.34
Franchise for operations on trunk system, approval, 84.08
Highway facilities, construction, secretary direct matching of federal aid, 84.53
Highway improvements, contracts, 84.06
Highway projects, selection and evaluation of, 85.025
Highway safety council, 15.467, 85.07
Interstate highways, national system, 84.29
Junkyards near highways, regulation, 84.31
Lands, right to acquire, convey, 84.09
Lease agreements with nonprofit corporations, 84.40
Licenses, billboards on highways, 84.30 (10)
Local transportation aids, annual adjustments in jurisdictional mileage, 86.302 (4)
  Cost determinations, 86.303
  Distribution, 86.30
  Information for tax bills, 85.31
  Jurisdictional mileage determinations, establish regulations and criteria, inventory and verify, 86.302
  Population estimates for determining aids, 86.33
Maps, publication, 84.02 (5)
Mass transit operating assistance program, administration, 85.20 (3)
Mass transit way, establish; car pools, 349.22
Memorial highways, veterans, 84.103
Milwaukee, highway funds, allotment, 84.03 (1) (b)
Minority businesses, awarding contracts to, 84.075
Motor vehicle weighing stations, 84.01 (21)
National parkways, cooperation with U. S., 84.105
National system of interstate highways, 84.29
Neighborhood watch signs, duty, 66.046 (2)
Nonprofit corporations, relation to, 84.40
Notaries public for department, 84.01 (19)
Offices, locations, 84.01
Planning, promotion and protection activities, 85.02
Powers and duties, 84.01