unclaimed propertyUNCLAIMED PROPERTY
, Chs. 171, 177
See also Escheats

Abandonment presumption, general rule, 177.02
Action to establish claim, 177.26
Agents, property held by, 177.12
Agreement to locate reported property, 177.35
Application, clarification of, 177.37
Bank deposits and funds in financial organizations, 177.06
Business associations, property held in course of dissolution, 177.11
  Refunds held by, 177.09
Charitable relief fund, notices, disposal, 171.08
Checks and drafts issued or certified by banking and financial organizations, 177.05
Civil remedies, 893.95
Claim, another state to recover property, procedure, 177.25
  Filing with state treasurer, 177.24
Cleaned, dyed, repaired, stored, sale for charges, 779.71
Construction of law, 177.40
Cooperatives, unclaimed assets, 177.015, 185.03 (10), 185.75
Courts, property held by, 177.13
Credit memos, 177.14
Custody by state, holder relieved of liability, 177.20 (1)
Defense of holder, delivery to administrator in good faith, 177.20 (5)
Definitions, 177.01
Delivery of abandoned property, 177.19
Deposit of funds, 177.23
Disposition of proceeds, 171.02
Disposition of property having insubstantial commercial value, liability immunity, 177.28
Dividends, crediting to owner's account, 177.21
Effect of new provisions, 177.37
Election to take payment or delivery, 177.27
Enforcement of law, 177.32
Escheats of property to municipalities, 177.41
Fees of officers, 171.03
Fiduciaries, property held by, 177.12
Foreign transactions, 177.36
Gift certificates, 177.14
Holder, defense of, 177.20 (5)
  Paying claim, reimbursement, 177.20 (2)
  Reclaiming for owner, 177.20 (3)
  Relieved of liability, when, 177.20 (1)
  Retention of records, 177.31
Intangible interest in business associations, 177.10
Intangible property, abandoned, report of, 177.17
  Dissolution of business associations, 177.11
  Held by agents and fiduciaries, 177.12
  Held by courts and public agencies, 177.13
  Rules for taking custody, 177.03
Interest and penalties, 177.34
Interest, crediting to owner's account, 177.21
  Payment by state treasurer, 177.24
Interstate agreements and cooperation, 177.33
Life insurance policies, funds owing under, 177.07
Money orders, 177.04
Money or goods found, disposition, 170.07 to 170.11
Notice and publication lists of abandoned property, 177.18
Notice to owner, record, 177.01
Not perishable, inventory, sale, notices, 171.06
On state property, disposition, 20.909
Payment of abandoned property, 177.19
Penalties and interest, 177.34
Periods of limitation, 177.29
Perishable, inventory, sale, notices, 171.04, 171.05