Gifts, 36.29
Golf course, 36.29 (5)
Hospital and clinics, 36.25 (13)
  Employe injured, salary continued, 230.36
Housing, Wisconsin residents have preference, 36.25 (2)
Hygiene laboratory, 36.25 (11)
Inland lakes protection and rehabilitation project, evaluate, 33.16 (8)
Intoxicating liquor, purchase credit restrictions, 125.69 (4)
  Purchase from permittees only, 125.69 (6)
  Volume discounts by wholesalers, 125.69 (3)
La Follette, Robert M., institute of public affairs, 36.25 (23)
Law school, part-time enrollment and night courses, 36.25 (21)
Librarians, appointments, 36.15 (2m)
Lobby law exemption, 13.625 (6s)
Management of institutional funds act, 112.10
Medical school, anatomical gifts, policy, 157.06 (5)
  Enrollment, reduction, 36.28
  Reports to governor and joint committee on finance, 13.106
  Student loans, administration, 39.34
  Appropriation, 20.235 (1) (gn)
  Student transfer program, 36.25 (13m)
  Tuition rates, 36.275
Military instruction, 36.25 (15)
Milwaukee campus, Downer Woods and buildings preservation, 36.37
Milwaukee, school of allied health professions, establishment, 36.25 (22)
Minority and disadvantaged programs, 36.25 (14m)
Minority doctoral student loans, 36.42
Minority student programs, 36.34
Minority teacher loan program, 36.25 (16)
Minority undergraduate grant program, 36.34
Mission, 36.01
Model school special education program, 36.25 (19)
Nonresident tuition, exemptions, 36.27
Office, 36.03
Pharmaceutical experiment station, 36.25 (10)
Pharmacy internship board, 15.915 (3)
  Director, salary, 20.923 (4) (a) 5
Pharmacy internship program, 36.25 (20)
Physically or developmentally disabled, prohibition against discrimination in post-secondary education, 101.223
Police officer, injury on duty, salary continued, 230.36
Positions, creation or abolishment, 16.505
President, responsibilities, 36.09 (2)
  University and crime laboratories cooperation council, appoint, 15.257
Printing, 35.29 (1)
Psychiatric institute, state, 46.044
Psychiatric research institute, 36.25 (12)
Psychologists, communications with students privileged, 885.205
Public affairs institute, Robert M. La Follette, 36.25 (23)
Purpose, 36.01
Radioactive waste policy council, creation, members, terms, 15.917 (2)
Radioactive waste review board, creation, members, terms, 15.915 (4)
Radioactive waste technical council, creation, members, 15.917 (3)
Real property gifts in excess of $30,000, approval of building commission required, 13.48 (2) (b)
Records, archives as depositories, 16.61 (13)
Residency, 36.27 (2) (e)
Roads on grounds and to highways, 84.27
Rural planning, 27.015
Salaries, 20.923 (4), (5), (15)
Scholarships, 36.27
Sectarian instruction forbidden, X, 6
Sexual assault and harassment information, orientation program, 36.11 (22)
Soils laboratory, 36.25 (9)
Sporting events at sports facilities, body passing, alcohol consumption, citation, penalty, 48.17 (3), 59.07 (144), 167.32, 778.25 (1) (a)
State cartographer, duties, 36.25 (12m)
Students, advanced opportunity program, 36.25 (14)
  Communications with deans are privileged, 885.205
  Controlled substances, discipline, 36.11 (21)
  Grants, 39.435
  Hazing, penalty, 948.51
  Licenses to hunt or fish, 29.09 (12)
  Membership on board of regents, 15.91
  Minority and disadvantaged programs, 36.25 (14m)
  Minority doctoral loans, 36.42
  Minority programs, 36.34
  Minority undergraduate grant program, 36.34
  Misconduct, 36.35
  Responsibilities, 36.09 (5)
  Unlawful assembly, 947.06 (4), (5)
Teachers, physical examinations, 143.17
Teaching assistants, collective bargaining representatives and elections, 111.83
  Collective bargaining units, 111.825, 230.12 (3) (e)
  State employment relations law, 111.80 to 111.94
Traffic regulation violations, nonmoving, procedure, 345.28
Tuition, 36.27
  Minnesota--Wisconsin student reciprocity agreement, 39.47
Tuition award program, 36.27 (4)
University (one) to be at seat of state government, 36.03
Veterinary medicine school to be established at UW-Madison, 36.25 (18)