Adoption of adults, 882.03
Adoption of minors, 48.83
Bank actions, 220.12
Change, 801.50 (6)
  Contempt cases, 103.60
  Determination of motion for, 801.53
  Discretionary, 801.52
  Fees of clerk of court, 814.61 (2)
  Forum non conveniens, 801.63
  Insurers delinquency proceedings, 645.04 (6)
  If judge disqualified, 801.56
  Proceedings after order for, 801.61
  Renewal of application for, 801.62
  Small claims actions in circuit court, 799.11 (3)
  To court having jurisdiction, 807.07
  To permit trial in foreign forum, 801.63
  When complete, 801.61
Child abuse restraining orders, 801.50 (5s)
Children's code proceedings, 48.185
Civil actions, 801.50
Consumer credit transactions, 799.11 (1), 801.50 (5m)
Consumer transactions, 421.401
Cooperatives, actions, 185.44
County liability on change of, 814.22
Court of appeals, 752.21
Criminal custody interference actions, 971.19 (8)
Defects, affect, 801.50 (1)
Domestic abuse action, 801.50 (5r)
Effect of reversing, 801.62
Estate proceeding, 856.01
Guardianship proceedings, 880.05, 880.06
Habeas corpus, 801.50 (4)
Hazardous substances and emergency planning suits, 166.20 (10)
Hazardous waste management actions, 144.73 (4)
Housing and economic development authority, action by trustee, 234.22
Improper, challenges to, 801.51
Injunction, temporary, 813.02
Inquest, 979.04
Insurers delinquency proceedings, 645.04 (4)
Log lien, 779.20
Malpractice, 655.009 (3)
Mobile home manufacturers from out-of-state, 218.165
Motor fuel tax, contesting, 78.69
  Enforcement, 78.81
Municipal power districts, actions, 198.12 (2)
Naturalization proceedings, 753.065
Natural resources forfeiture actions, 23.90
Objection to, 802.06 (2)
Order changing, when conclusive, 801.62
Parole, revocation, 801.50 (5)
Probation, review, 801.50 (5)
Public utility law, fine or forfeiture, 196.44 (3)
Railroad regulation matters, 195.07 (3)
Real property, 801.50 (2) (b)
Review of administrative orders, 227.59
Savings and loan associations, actions against commissioner, 215.02 (5)
Small claims actions in circuit court, 799.11
Special proceedings, 801.50
State a defendant, 801.50 (3)
Trust proceedings, 701.14 (4)
Uniform transboundary pollution reciprocal access act, 144.995, 801.50 (5p)
Water pollution discharge elimination cases, 147.29 (4)
Worker's compensation, review, 102.23